Page 57 of Inspiring Izzy

"As in Denver, Colorado?" I clarify.

"Yes, Iz," Steve scoffs. "Where else would I be?"

Uh, in California a thousand miles awaywhere he's supposed to be.

"Thanksgiving isn't until next week," I remind him. "You're here a week early."

"I wanted to surprise you and Brianna," Steve laughs into the phone. "Greatest surprise ever, right?"

I don't know what to say—or do. This is...unexpected. I should say something.Anything. But words fail me.

"Uh, Iz, you still there?" Steve's voice cuts through the quiet.

Pull it together, Izzy.He's Brianna's father. He's family. We're stuck together for life because we share a daughter.

You can do this.

You can handle this.

Nope, I don't think I can. Two weeks with Steve here? I don't know if I'm ready for that.

"OK," I swallow hard.

"Can you pick me up?" Steve asks.

My mouth drops open. "I'm at work."


"So, I can't just leave my job to pick you up from the airport," I snap. "It's a three-hour drive. You didn't tell me you were coming. You didn't even ask if it was something I was OK with."

"Matthew said it was cool if I stayed in the basement bedroom," Steve replies. "He even said he'd help me look for a job and apartment."

"Then callMatthew," I say before hanging up my phone.

I cross my arms over my chest and let out a frustratedgrrrrrr. Un-freaking-believable. I can't believe Dad was in on this.

"Everything alright?" Brady taps his fingers on my desk.

"No," I answer.

"Can I do anything to help?"

I shake my head. "I doubt it."

"You want to talk about it?" he presses.

I glance up and get lost in his gold eyes. Do I want to talk to Brady, who is wearing a delicious navy blue suit that hugs his ass just right, about my idiot ex-husband? No. No, I do not.

"I need chocolate," I push off my chair and stand. "And a latte."

Brady checks his watch. "I could use chocolate and a latte, too."

"You have a meeting in fifteen minutes," I raise my eyebrows.

"I'll cancel it then," he grins.

Ugh. Why does he have to be so good-looking? Why does he have to smell so good? Why does he have to have his life together? Why does he have to haveallhis toes?