Page 5 of Inspiring Izzy

Mia and Ace find spots beside Elle, leaving me at the head of the table.Oh, joy.

"Where's Emmy?" I ask as I furrow my brow. We're missing my youngest cousin.

"She's at the tutoring center," Aunt Jenny waves off. She and Uncle Kyle fill the two seats left beside Ace. "She'll be home later."

Liam scoffs. "She's only there because she's in love with some boy."

"Who?" Uncle Kyle perks up.

"So, we should get an apple, a pumpkin, and a lemon pie?" Aunt Jenny changes the subject.

"What boy?" Uncle Kyle looks over at his wife.

Aunt Jenny leans forward and kisses him. Uncle Kyle melts like putty. Even after all these years, they're still disgustingly in love. It's almost too much. Especially when you're going through a divorce. At least Mom and Dad have the decency to keep PDA limited to their bedroom.

On the plus side, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Kyle make me believe in love. The kind that really does last forever. But it's still hard to watch their lovey-dovey bubble of bliss when my relationship is over.

"Uh," Uncle Kyle seems to come out of whatever trance Aunt Jenny has him in, "coffee, right?"

"And pie," Mia shakes her head at her parents.

Ace leans over and whispers something in Mia's ear, making her blush. I look away, my eyes landing on Taylor and Elle and their interlocked fingers.

Everywhere I look, there are happy couples. I'm surrounded by my own worst nightmare.

"I'm going to use the restroom," I announce, needing a reprieve.

I splash cold water on my face once there are doors and walls between my family and me. I wipe my face off with a paper towel and grip the sides of the porcelain sink with my hands. The woman in the mirror is a stranger. Bags under her green eyes. Blond messy bun. Hollow cheeks.

"Come on, Iz," I say to myself. "You can do this."

I say the words out loud, but I'm not sure I believe them.

Blowing out a tired breath, I pull my hair out of its messy bun and run my fingers through the long layers. I need a haircut. I need makeup. I need a new life.

That's why I'm here.

I've failed, and this is the last place left for me.

My new life.

It sure isn't starting out great. The last thing I want to do is to eat pie and drink coffee with happy couples. The sooner I get back out there, the sooner I can get this over with.

I open the bathroom door with a heavy heart. As I step over the threshold, I bump into a warm body.

"I'm so sor..." I trail off when I see his golden eyes. My heart slams against my chest when I realize whose warm body I've smacked into.

"Iz?" His face lights up. He's not as young as he once was. There are laugh lines along the corner of his eyes and his beard is hiding his full lips. But those eyes, I'd know them anywhere.

"B-Brady," my voice catches in my throat.

"You look good," he lies through his teeth as he smiles at me.

"Um..." I struggle to find words. "So do you."

"You must be home visiting, right?" he guesses. "I forgot your dad likes this pie shop."

I force a laugh. "He does. The whole family does."