Page 119 of Inspiring Izzy

I hug him tight, knowing I'm not going anywhere.

Brady on the other hand, well, his loyalty has always been hard to gauge.

Chapter 30

I haven't told Mom and Dad that I might lose my job yet. Brady said he won't let that happen, but let's be honest: Angie holds more power at Cohen Tech than she gets credit for.

My stomach feels as though it's tied in a knot. I can barely stomach food.

"You doing OK?" Mom asks me as she pushes a bagel in my direction.

I push it away. "Not hungry."

"You've been really weird the last two days," she notes. "Are you and Brady fighting?"

I shake my head. "Things with Brady are great."It's my job that's in question.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Mom tries.

I shrug. "Not really. I have to deal with this on my own."

Mom rests her hand on top of my arm. "For what it's worth, your father and I are incredibly proud of you."

"Thanks, Mom," I give her a tight smile.

"I mean it, Iz," she reinforces. "I know we've had our moments, but you've accomplished so much in a short amount of time. I'm so proud to call you my daughter."

For once, I let the walls crumble around me and hug Mom tight.

Angie won't look at me. She won't even acknowledge me.

My leg shakes restlessly beneath my desk as I re-read an email from HR for the millionth time. Angie filed a hostile work environment complaint after walking in on Brady and me. Which is why I'm wearing my engagement ring today.

Angie made it clear when we all spoke with HR yesterday that she wants our "licentious behavior" to cease or she's going to straight to the board.

Brady argued that what happens behind the closed door of his office doesn't prohibit Angie from being able to do her job. She replied that it did because they work closely together and she needs access to his office to relay information.

HR suggested we terminate our relationship. Brady agreed to keep things professional at work but clarified that he would not end the relationship outside of work.

Angie crossed her arms over her chest and said, "Good luck with the board."

After she left, we told our HR representative that we were engaged. She suggested we tell the board today and let them decide what they wanted to do about my job.

Brady and I argued last night when I told him I loved my job, and I didn't want to lose it. He promised me things would be fine and that he would take care of Brianna and me. But that's not what I want. I relied on Steve, and he disappointed me most of our marriage. I know Brady and Steve aren't the same. I know I can rely on Brady in ways I never could rely on Steve. It's that I want to rely on myself. I don't want to put myself in a position where I'm relying on a man again. It was a hard place for me to be.

So, we argued. Then, I told Brady to go home instead of staying the night.

I wish I hadn't done that.

I wish I had been brave enough to tell him I needed him. Instead, I pushed him away.

We'll figure this out, Iz. Please don't leave this time.

I should have let him stay. I spent all night tossing and turning, more worried about my relationship than my job.

I can always find another job. I won't find another Brady.