“She can,” he answers for me again. “But she still has to test her sugars before bed. She was meant to do it already, but we got sidetracked.”
“Sidetracked.” Smug, she swirls her liquor and comes around to elegantly perch on the edge of a wingback chair. “Beautiful women typically possess such powers.” She crosses her legs, showing off her thighs as she folds, before looking to Felix. “You look well. Happy.”
“I am happy.” He sits back, shirtless and scarred. And though he doesn’t pull me back with him, his hand remains anchored on my leg. “How was Seattle?”
“Busy.” She shrugs and takes a sip of her drink. “I worked. Met the people I went there to meet. Then I came home as quickly as I could. Please,” she gestures toward us both, “tell me what is happening here? Because I must admit, I’m lost. You’re not seeing each other… but you are?”
“Private,” I insert, because Felix runs his mouth and tells the woman whatever she wants to know. His loyalties to her, it seems, run deep. And yet, simply looking at her makes me want to puke. “We’re private beings, Ms. Towers. I’m certain you understand that.”
“Typically.” She curls her lips and looks to Felix, essentially ‘going over my head’. “But when my sweet friend is involved, I feel I mustinsist. Your heart is mine to protect, Lix. I would be remiss to toss you into unchartered waters and simply hope you can swim.”
“We’re getting to know each other.” He releases my leg, but draws patterns on my back so italmostfeels like he prefers the more discreet touch. Holding my leg was more about ensuring compliance. But his hand on my back is all about privacy. Intimacy. It’s just for us. “I’ve met a woman who challenges me, Savvy. Intellectually. Physically. Emotionally.”
Her eyes narrow on the last.
“I want to see what we do about it.”
“Hm…” Thoughtful, she sips her whiskey and brings a bright blue stare to me. “And you, Ms. Cannon? How do you feel about my friend?”
Fuck you. Fuck this. Fuck your entire existence.
“My thoughts remain private. That’s the way they will stay. Now if you’ll excuse me.” I push up to stand, now that Felix’s hand doesn’t hold me down, then I fake a smile for the woman whose entire expression screamsI’ll stab you, slut. “I’ll let you both catch up.” I look to Felix and dip my chin.
Before he can grab me again and demand I stay, I sidestep the couch and come around the back, making it impossible for him to reach. Then I leave them. Felix Malone: shirtless, loyal, and, moments beforeherintrusion, hard. And Savannah Towers: powerful, possessive, and with a claim over the man who protects others, even at the expense of his own physical and mental wellbeing.
She was raped in this home. By his father.
I can feel compassion for the girl who was hurt, while still seeing through the façade and knowing Felix will doanythingto please her now, just to make up for what happened to her decades ago.
She knows she has a lapdog in the powerful mafioso.
And I know how this will all play out in the end.
He’ll choose her. Always. Forever. It’s just who he is in his heart.
I refuse to stand by and watch his downfall.
I head up the stairs, crossing my arms over my chest as I pass guards waiting in the shadows, their stares lingering on my skin until it feels almost like a physical touch, then push through his bedroom door to find our space comfortably messy.
Plates on the bed. The covers, rumpled from our time rolling around on them.
I was never supposed to be with Felix this way. Never supposed towanthim the way I do.
I lost my hatred over these last few days. Moved past my blind loathing toward a man who does bad things.
But the bad things he does are not the same as the bad things his father did. They are not the same man. And though I came here with the intention to punish Felix as though he was, I’ve discovered a warm heart within him. Emotions, where I thought none could exist.
The current Malone don didn’t choose this life, and would have picked differently if given the choice. He maintains his position of power, not for his own gain, but only to protect those he loves.
And I can’t fault him for that.
But this isn’t over.
I may have set off a chain reaction weeks ago with my articles, but the most dangerous being in Felix Malone’s life isn’t me and the things I write about him. Nor is it himself, with the work he conducts.