“And what did you tell her when she asked of my mother?”

Interested, Micah glances across.

“I told her I saw to the home’s operation for many years, and that I took care of the children where and when required. I said I helped bring each of you into the world.”

“And that, I appreciate.” I reach into my breast pocket as the car moves, and pull out a pack of cigarettes.Filthy habit, I know.Doctor Mayet doesn’t approve. “What else came of your garden stroll with Ms. Cannon?”

“Not much. I felt her questions may not have been appropriate, so I excused myself and came back into the home.”

“And Christabelle?”

“Remained outside for a short while longer. Approximately an hour. She walked all the way to the tree line and wandered around. Stovic remained close at all times to ensure her safety. Ms. Cannon returned to the house after that, at which point, I offered her breakfast, and she chose to take it in the dining room.”

“Did she test her sugars after her meal?” I place a cigarette between my lips and flick my lighter to life. “She’s checking, right?”

“Yes, sir. She tested and administered medication. Doctor Mayet called the house, too. She asked similar questions to those you’re asking now.”

I draw a long, satisfied puff of my smoke, only to release it again with a smile. “Of course she did. Alright,” I glance out the car window and watch the world slowly change from forest to residential. From nature to human. “I expect I’ll be home around five. Not only does Ms. Cannon have permission to ask questions about my mother, but I’ve requested she do the research. Answer her inquiries, please. The more she knows, the more we’ll all know.”

“I do not know as much as one might think, Mr. Malone. I was not even privy to your mother’s real name.”

I lift my shoulder in a shrug and draw another puff of smoke. “Ms. Cannon is a skilled and dedicated researcher, Mary. This is her job. Just tell her what you know and let her fill in the blanks.”

“Yes, sir.” Her voice crackles with uncertainty, but she’s been given an order. And a woman who has worked for Timothy the Second knows it’s always best to heed those. “Will that be all for now, Mr. Malone?”

“Yep.” I scratch at a dot of crimson on my black slacks and remember Jameson. His fuckin audacity. His penchant to take business advice from a man this close to death. “Keep an eye on Ms. Cannon for me, Mary. Micah and I will be home in a little while.”

Pulling the phone from my ear, I kill the call and set the device on the seat beside my leg, then I drop my head back and sigh.

“You think it’s smart, letting our captive literally walk our home and question our staff, Lix?” Micah turns his head so I catch the movement in my peripherals. “She was your enemy three days ago.”

“She’s gonna ask the questions anyway. She’ll write the article whether I like it or not. So why not keep her in-house so we see the results first?”

“And you’re completely okay with this person digging into the most private details of your life? This stranger you knownothingabout. What do you do when she gets the details you’re searching for and blasts them all over theCannon Dailyfor the whole fuckin country to read?”

“Like I said,” I puff on my smoke and close my eyes. “She’s gonna run the story either way. May as well get ahead of it and be the first to know what she finds. I’d rather hear my mother’s name from her mouth than read it on the front page of a newspaper like everybody else.”

“I think this is your stupidest plan yet.” He opens his window and settles back so the plumes of white from my cigarette blow straight outside. “You bring a woman into our home. You don’t know shit about her except that she’s nosy and stubborn. Then you find she’s brave enough to go toe-to-toe with you and not back down.”

“You mean like how Mayet is brave enough to challenge Archer? And how Solomon has Cordoza wrapped around her finger?” I turn in my seat and study the side of my brother’s face. “Some women are made for fucking, Micah. And some are made for ruling. The first are to be set aside when you’re done with them; the second, when found, should bekept close enough that she can’t draw her sword and cut your head clean off.”

“Do you want to fuck her, Lix? Rule with her? Or keep her from slitting your throat?”

I settle back again and grin. “Why not all three?”

“Mr. Cordoza will see you now.”

Micah and I follow a tall, blonde bombshell through a waiting room of sorts and into an office made for royalty. Old man Cordoza, the boss of all bosses, rests in a leatherbound, wingback chair, in a suit not all that different from mine.

Unlike the usual dread I might experience upon being called into the boss’ office, I walk in now with a smile and the guarantee that, for as long as I do as he wants and Mayet remains mildly nice to the man, I won’t end up at the bottom of the Hudson River without at least a little warning.

I’m not Tim. I don’t run my business the way he did, and I don’t resort to dirty, underhanded tactics to gain on my competitors.

In fact, Pastore is the dipshit here, giving out bad advice and pissing me off. But instead of driving over to that numbnuts’ house and shooting him in the belly, I come to Cordoza. The peacekeeper.

The one who wants a discussion conducted, rather than a homicide investigation.

I make my way to his desk and unfasten the button of my coat before taking a seat in his visitor chair. “Thank you for seeing us again today, Mr. Cordoza. Twice in one day is not typical.”