“Now,” he orders on a rumble. “I want you to pay attention to me.”

“M-Ms. Cannon?” Dana stammers. “Are you there?”

“Yeah.” I press my back to the door and lower my purse to the floor so it hits with a thump. “I have to go, Dana. I’ll be back in the office tomorrow, then we’ll deal with Davis.”

“Davis?” Felix sneers. “The one with the small dick?” He takes my phone and steps in closer, pressing his chest to mine and his lips to my neck. Then he ends my call and drops the device into my bag, his actions so unbelievably smooth, I could swear he’s done it a million times.

His want is palpable as his cock presses to my hip, his hand coming up to wrap across the front of my neck. “You don’t need to speak to Davis anymore, Darling.” Pulling back, he looks into my eyes and flashes a salacious grin. “You get to be jealous and possessive?Iget to be jealous and possessive.”

“Felix…” My voice is hoarse. My throat, painful. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

“I needed to see you.” He tilts his head to the side and studies me, his forest-green eyes examining every inch of my face.

My brain screams for me to turn away. But then he feathers his lips over mine and steals whatever conscious thought I might’ve been able to conjure under different circumstances.

His tongue slides forward to duel with mine. His kiss, a drug I’m not sure I can give up.

“You look beautiful, by the way. Tired,” he concedes solemnly, “but beautiful.” He lowers his hands to work on unfastening the buttons of my blouse.

He doesn’t ask. Doesn’t hesitate. Doesn’t seem to care that the world is on fire.

Because he setsthisworld on fire. Our world.

He unwraps me like the gift he makes me feel I am, yanking the fabric back and tangling my arms when he fails to undo the buttons at the cuffs. Then he unzips my skirt and grins when our eyes meet.

“It’s been a long fucking day, Christabelle.” He slams his lips to mine. Biting. Teasing. Dragging me closer and shoving my skirt down. “I’ll stop if you want me to. Foryou, I’ll do whatever is needed. But please, for the love of fuck,” he peppers kisses along my neck and yanks me up, slamming my back to the door and wrapping my legs around his hips, “please don’t make me stop.”

“Felix…” My heart thunders in my chest. Guilt swirling with nerves, and nerves swirling with the very real fact I’ve fallen stupidly in love with a mafioso. But his hands weave magic against my skin. His lips cast a bewitching spell on my soul. “I have to te?—”

“You have to tell me you missed me?” He holds me up with one arm and uses the other to unfasten his pants and push them down. “Because, same.” He frees his purpling cock, thick and seeping, and so fucking promising of pleasure, my brain short-circuits. “You want to tell me you can’t live without me?” He glides his thumb against my clit and captures my lips when I throw my head back and cry out. “Because same, Darling.” Fisting his cock and dragging the tip over my wet heat, he settles it at my entrance and waits, his breath coming hard. His body, powerful and demanding.

But he waits for my eyes. For me to collect my thoughts and bringmy focus down to lock on his. “You want to tell me to fuck you until you cry? Because I don’t know any other way.”


He slams deep inside me, stealing my breath and growling when I scream.

“I want more time with you.” He pounds against me, crushing me against the door so our lovemaking becomes rhythmic. Our connection, audible to anyone who might walk the halls. “Fuck, Christabelle, you were gone less than a day and I missed the hell out of you.”

“Oh god.” Ecstasy rolls through my body. My release, when I was so sure I wouldn’t be with this man again, marching toward home far too quickly. “Felix.”

“Tell me you missed me too.” He slams deep inside me. He’s not careful. He refuses to treat me gently. Then he brings a hand up and wraps it around my throat, pinning me to the door and eliciting a gasp of stunned desire from my lips. “Tell me you feel this, too.”

“I feel it too.” Fresh tears spring to my eyes, but they’re not of grief. Not a goodbye. “I feel it, Felix. I shouldn’t, and you shouldn’t, but we?—”

“But we don’t get a choice.” He crushes my body between his and the door, giving me no room to breathe. No chance to escape.

Though, I’m not sure I could anymore. I can’t walk away, even if I should.

“This is it for me, Christabelle.” He pulls out, startling me with his swift move, and sets me on my feet. But he holds me up, grinning when my knees buckle, knowing my body would go down if not for his aid.

He braces his hands on my hips and lowers to his knees, his eyes glittering with menace that makes my throat dry, then he sets his tongue between my legs and slams his palm to my belly to keep me standing.

To force me to remain upright.

“Sweetest pussy I ever tasted.” He suckles my clit and slips two fingers between my folds, hooking them inside and stealing from me. My release. My sanity. My ability to be the me I was before I met him.

Five years from now, no matter what choices I make, I won’t be the same person I was a week ago. And though I know with all my heart and soul that, five years from now, I’ll still love him, I know just assurely that it’ll hurt this week when I break his heart. When I tell him the truth.