My driver waits downstairs at six, like my recent disappearance was completely normal—or covered over smoothly. No one has even questioned my sickness, despite my reputation for never taking time off.


He holds the door for me and nods in greeting, closing it again once I’m in, and then hurrying around to his side.

“Home, Ms. Cannon?” he asks as he gets settled.

“Yes, please.”

Exhaustion eats away at my body, my hands shaking from my poor attempt at eating today, and my stomach rolling with dread after Savannah’s visit.

She wants to destroy the Malones. There’s no way around that fact. She wants them wiped from this planet and buried alongside theinnocence that was taken from her. And in her mission, she seems completely willing to destroy herself and the things she’s built.

She’s toxic and venomous.

And she’snotFelix’s friend.

But will he listen?


My phone trills from my bag, perched on the chair beside my thigh. The device vibrates, and the ringtone echoes until I have no choice but to answer. So I dig my hand into my bag and grab the phone, then checking the screen, I frown at the 212 area code.

Unknown number.

Sliding my thumb across the screen and accepting the call, I cautiously bring the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

“Hey, Darling.”

My throat clenches as Felix’s voice dances through my ears.

“I don’t know if you think we’re fighting,” he continues, taking a puff of something he shouldn’t, and then exhaling, “but we’re not, and I’m not done with you yet. I know you’re in your car, beautiful. So why don’t you ask Eddie to turn it around and bring you to my place for the night?”

My eyes swing to the windows and out, in search of whoever is watching me. Whoever he has elected to follow my every move. “I left, Felix.”

His lips curl into a devastating smile. I don’t even have to see him to be certain. “I know. I let you go. But I didn’t say shit about letting you goforever. I miss you.”

“I have work to catch up on.”

I’m an ass. A liar. A horrible, horrible person. And the irony isn’t lost on me that in my quest to hate and punish the family who hurt mine, I’ve become someone I never thought I would be.

I don’t lie. I don’t cheat or deceive or change who I am just to achieve a goal.

“I’m sorry, Felix.” I reach up with my free hand and wipe beneath my nose. “I can’t see you right now. My life is just too busy.”

“What if I told you my heart misses you?”

Such a simple query. His phrasing, not at all complex. And yet, thethings he asks of me are impossible to answer without further complicating everything.


“I talked to Archer earlier today.”

“Your brother?” I give up on searching the streets and instead close my eyes. “Why are you telling me about that?”

“Because he’s the only Malone who has fallen in love, married, and freely admits his feelings toward another human being. I used to think he was lying,” he chuckles. “Spouting total bullshit. Because us Malones are taught that to love someone is to have a weakness—and fuck knows, we can’t afford that in this lifestyle.”

I swallow the ball in my throat and reach up to swipe moisture from the corner of my eye. “I’m glad he found love. I think…” I clear my throat. “I’ve come to believe that every Malone son deserves that one weakness.”