“Twenty seconds. Fuck.” His breath races as he storms up the stairs, his footsteps thundering at an even pace. Then he comes to a stop. A pause, before he opens his door and lays eyes on the love of his life.

“Minnnka.” He pushes through the doorway and seemingly forgets I hear all, as clothes rustle and the soft, muffled peck of a kiss being pressed to a woman’s head echoes through the line. “You’re already mixing your meds.” He exhales a breath of relief. “Good.”

“You on the phone?” Her tone is flat. Monotone. “Is that Fletch?”

“Nah, it’s Felix.” He presses a button so the sound quality changes again. “You’re on speaker, Lix.”

“I already hung up on you once, Felix. Can’t take a hint?”

“I was flirting with you!” I tease. “Loosen up.”

“You called my husband and demanded he bring me the phone, just to tell me I’ve received your sexual harassment wrong? Oh.” She grunts, the sound followed by a thud that makes me picture her plopping her ass onto the counter. “My bad. Is that everything?” The sound of paper and plastic crinkling together move along the line. “Because I have better things to do right now.”

“You’re cranky on infusion night, Doc. I have a question. Medical.”

“I don’t know what STD you’ve caught, Felix. No, I don’t want a photo of your dick to diagnose. No, it’s not normal to pee blood. If you have a rash, see a doctor immediately.”

“Ha.” I take another sip of my wine and roll my eyes. “Funny. But speaking of rash, I have this girl in my bed right now?—”

“I don’t want to know about your current bed-buddy’s STDs either. And telling me about them is a gross invasion of her privacy. Give her money, send her to a doctor.”

“Can you just shut the fuck up for a second?” I blow out a frustrated exhale and drop my head back in exhaustion. “I’m being serious. The patient is a woman, seemingly healthy otherwise, twenty-seven years old. Five-six or so, a hundred and thirty pounds. A tad too skinny. She’s not eating, but she’s drinking water. She has a rash on her stomach, near her ribs. It looks like a nasty case of eczema, but when I asked about it,she didn’t seem worried. She was awake and arguing with me a few minutes ago, now she’s asleep.”

“Sudden loss of consciousness mixed with lack of appetite is a medical emergency, Lix. Take her to the ER.”

“No, she’s not…” I shake my head. “She’s not unconscious like she fainted. She’s unconscious like she crawled into bed and went to sleep. She swayed a little earlier when she got up, so perhaps she’s experiencing dizziness, too, though she didn’t say so.”

“Is she with you of her own volition, Felix Malone?”

“Er…” I clear my throat. “Not exactly.”

“Physically harmed? Has she been tortured, hit, beaten, raped, scratched, cut, shot, or anything else I have not listed but that would be relevant to my line of questioning?”

“No.” I scowl at her accusation of rape.I’m not my fucking father!“She was fine, now she’s not.”

“And she’s drinking? Not dehydrated?”

“Yeah. Micah said she had water today.”

“Oh good,” Archer growls, “you’rebothin on this shit. You know it’s my job to report this phone call, right, Lix? You’ve kidnapped a woman, and now you’ve called your cop brother to tell him about it.”

“Actually, I called my doctor sister. You’re just eavesdropping. That’s on you.”

“It’s my phone! You. Called. Me!”

“Mayet?” I groan, lifting my head when Christabelle whimpers in her sleep and rolls to her left. “Please help. She seems nauseous.”


My brows scrunch tight in disapproval. “If she is, it’s not mine. We only formally met two days ago, and we haven’t shared a bed yet.”

Well, not in the sense she thinks I mean.

“Two days, and you haven’t fucked?” Archer inserts. “Jesus, you actually like her, huh?”

“Can’t stand her spiteful guts, actually. Mayet?”
