* * *

As I’m doing moreand more these days, I wait for my professor at the end of class. I do so surreptitiously, afraid of bringing any attention to myself. I simply take my sweet-ass time to pack up my things to give me something to do, rather than stand around awkwardly.

Finally, when everyone else is gone, I saunter my way down to his desk. Professor Penmayne is sitting and reading through some notes. If he’s noticed I’ve stayed for him, he doesn’t register it.

So typically mysterious and nonchalant for him.

“You reckon Heathcliff is the most possessive man in literature?” I ask him bluntly.

The professor takes his time to look up at me.

“That’s probably why you like him so much,” he says softly. “Deep down, you probably want a man like him in your life. A man that will stop at nothing to have you as his.”

He’sclearlytalking about himself. I am no idiot. Yet again another example of the man’s mysterious and nonchalant nature. Butterflies flutter around in my stomach.

But I’m not falling for this indirect way of flirting, even with the professor’s lovely way with words.

“You mean deep down I want a man who can’t restrain the ferocious wild animal within him?” I ask.

“Exactly that kind of man,” my professor replies, his blue eyes locked on mine. “I bet you would love nothing more than to meet that man.”

“And you think you’re that kind of man?” I ask him, crossing my arms. “Professor Penmayne?”

He merely stands up and nods toward the back room of the lecture hall.

“Come with me to my office, Miss Weldon, and you’ll seeexactlywhat kind of a man I am.”


I have no choice. I have to follow him now.

And so I do. Into his office.

I’ve never been in here before. He keeps this place immaculate and tidy, like his house. The center of the office is taken up by a large desk with barely anything on it except for a notepad and his laptop. Behind the desk occupying the wall is a long bookshelf completely filled with various books, fiction and non-fiction. I spot the spines of a whole load of famous classics. With an office like this, he truly does fit the mold of an English Literature professor.

But I can’t admire the room for long; I know I am here for other reasons than just to observe.

The moment he shuts the office door behind him, Professor Penmayne has his hands on my hips, guiding me toward the desk. He towers above me. So close that I can inhale his pretty scent.

Yep, this is what I am here for.

I’m both surprised and not really surprised at his commanding seizure. I expect nothing less from this ravenous man. And to be honest, Iwaskinda hoping for it.

Oh, I’m so bad. Thinking bad thoughts...

My professor manhandles me across the room so that my ass eventually rests against the edge of his long desk. Spencer’s blue eyes glare down at me as his hands tighten around my waist.

I admire the sharp curves of his jaw. That neat stubble of his. Those full lips.

“I am going to be completely honest with you, Miss Weldon,” he whispers. His embrace has me pinned here totally under his control, but I probably wouldn’t want to escape even if I could, either. “I will be upfront with my intentions. I am going to spank your pretty little ass for daring to talk back to me out there...”

My eyes widen. “Spencer...”

He holds up a finger to quiet me. “And then, once I’m done punishing you for being a bad little student, I am going to bend you over my desk right here and I am going to fuck you. Hard. Dirtily. I am going to have my way with you, girl, and I want you to enjoy it. I want topossessyou, Miss Weldon.”

I want to laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of this situation but, at the same time, I am so turned on by what the professor is saying to me. To bedesiredlike this by a man like this... isn’t this every girl’s dream?

His expression is deadly serious. He really is going to do the things he promises.