“You want to see what kind of man I am, and if I live up to your perception of me,” Spencer replies coolly. “And let me tell you, I amsomuch more than the fantasy in your gorgeous head.”
“Then prove it,” I whisper. “Show me. Take me to your bedroom, and then you can make me moan. AndthenI will see what kind of man you are.”
His powerful blue eyes train on mine with a passion that makes the rest of his front room fade away. He must wield some kind of magic to cast such an enchantment over me with just the words that flow from his perfect mouth and the selfish, all-consuming stare from his eyes.
“Come with me,” he snarls. “And that is a command, not a request, girl.”
“Of course, sir. Are you going to punish me like last time?”
The professor persists to glare. “How about you just do what I tell you to do and not be such a rebellious brat?”
I notice the bulge in his pants. It’s hard not to. He notices that I notice. “You would love that, wouldn’t you? Me down by your legs? My pleasuring you with my mouth?”
The man slams his front door shut and takes me by the hand.
“No more teasing, Miss Weldon. Get upstairs to my bedroom and satisfy me before I tear your clothes off with blind craving.”
His voice is all deep and baritone. I get a quick jolt of fear and a ton of excitement as he lays down his command. It's crazy to think I've got my professor acting like this. So domineering. So...dangerous.
He casts off his suit jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt. I raise an eyebrow at his quick action.
“You can’t even contain yourself before we’ve made it to your bedroom, professor?Wow.”
The man gestures upstairs with impatience.
“I’m not going to ask you again, girl. Stop speaking with that pretty mouth of yours unless it’s begging for me. Be a good student and shut your mouth before I put it to better uses. Icommandyou to my bedroom.”
“Maybe I’m in the mood to be a little bit disobedient today,” I reply. “Especially after you rocked up to my place unannounced. Maybe Ishouldn’tlisten to you today, how does that sound?”
“Get up there before I make you, Miss Weldon.”
I smirk devilishly. “And how would you make me, sir?”
Before I can finish my provocative question, Professor Penmayne has enveloped his arms around me and has raised me over his shoulder so that my face is against his back and my ass is in the air.
“Like this,” he growls before he starts climbing the stairs. He's got my whole weight draped over his shoulder, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. He hauls me up to his bedroom like it's a walk in the park for a man as physically powerful as him. I sense his bicep pressing against my leg. How insanely strong is this dude's muscle game?
I end up tumbling as we get into his bedroom. Spencer straight up tosses me onto his lovely, super luxurious bed. I bounce with a surprised giggle on the cozy mattress.
I glance up.
Spencer's towering over me, his jaw all tight and polished andsupermodel-y. I can peep the intensity in his stunning eyes as he takes in me lying on his bed. My mind flickers back to when he took my virginity. Those tremendous sensations he made me feel. The tender, yet forceful way he held me. It was like he was navigating me to climax with an easy mastery.
He knows how to undo a woman’s body...
And now I'm witnessing a whole different facet of him about to go off. A raw,untamedside. Spencer’s wanting me right now, and he's barely keeping himself in check.
Oh, God.
I picture himself delivering one of his lectures: all commanding and self-assured. He’s like that even in the bedroom.
Does he have any inkling of what he does to me? To my body? At just the mere sight of him?
My professor advances toward me. Serious. Purposeful. His hand draws the skirt of my dress up whilst the other grabs my hair. Yeah, it’s just like how he is in the lecture hall. Authoritative.
He’s getting what he wants, and that’s me.
“I’m going to have you,” he rumbles as his hand squeezes my hair. “If it’s the last thing I do. It’s all I can ever think about. I want you, Miss Weldon.”