“Good evening to you, too,” he calmly replies in that annoyingly unfazed way of his.
But I ain’t stopping. Not even when he looks at me in the way he’s looking at me now; full of intrigue and that laser-like fixation I have become intimately familiar with.
“What we’re doing cannot become public knowledge,” I continue, pointing my finger at him. “My roommate was suspicious, and rightly so. She saw the gift and she had questions. Tell me, what happens if she found out about us? What happens if she pressured me to tell her about you?”
The professor is undeterred by my jabbing finger and forked tongue.
“But the thing is, you wouldn’t tell her anything,” he replies nonchalantly. “You signed that NDA, what was the point of it other than to keep your lips shut?”
I can only sigh in response.
He can be so infuriating...
“Come inside,” Professor Penmayne beckons. As if my complaints are nothing to worry about.
I cross my arms. I am making a point. I am not coming in just because he’s ordered me, and I want him to fathom that.
“I want you to acknowledge that you’ve got to be careful,” I say, refusing to take a step. “We were so close to being discovered just then, and it would have been all your fault.”
A smile crosses the professor’s lips.
“You want me to grovel, Miss Weldon? You want me to beg for your forgiveness? You clearly don’t know who I am or how I conduct myself.”
“I’m not asking for anything like that,” I reply. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page before you start blaming me for breaking the NDA.”
“Oh, we are most certainly on the same page. Don’t you worry about that, Miss Weldon.”
“Again with theMiss Weldon,” I retort, not allowing myself to be dragged into his flirty games.
“What is wrong with calling you by your name?” the professor asks.
I roll my eyes. “You know exactly what you’re doing,” I say.
“Are you going to come inside,Miss Weldon, or am I going to have to stand here holding the door open all night?”
I finally make my move into his place. I clock the expression on the professor's face as I saunter up to him. That hunger in his eyes for me. It's strong enough to make my knees buckle, even if I'm still a bit angry at him.
“Come here,” he whispers, leading me toward him with merely a gesture. I take another step so that we’re so incredibly close. “Let me touch you.”
And then he kisses me. Gently at first, but then stronger and more urgent.
“We’re just friends, right?” I ask him, my chest heaving with heavy breaths as our mouths part.
The professor kisses me again.
“We are,” he replies coldly.
“But friends don’t do things like this to each other,” I whisper as his lips graze mine. “Friends don’t make love to each other.”
“Miss Weldon,” my professor growls, “stop talking. The next thing I want out of your pretty little mouth are the moans you create as I make you cum. For one night, let us forget about the fact that you are my student and I am your teacher, and let's just give in to what we truly want.”
He kisses me yet again. Vigorously. His hands find my hips and, with one drag, yank me closer to him. My breasts caress against his firm chest. I don’t fight back. I let him take me. I really can’t disguise my irrefutable lust any longer; I simply have to give in to what I truly want, just like he said. The man’s a freaking prophet.
“And what do we truly want?” I ask him teasingly.
“You know exactly what we want from each other, Miss Weldon,” my professor growls. “You might try to hide it behind your snarky attitude and your frown, but I can read you like one of the books I set out on assignment. I want tounravelyou, girl. I want to claim you as mine. I want to put you on my shelf next to the classics.”
“And, please tell, what do you think I want?” I ask him.