“This is important,” he announces to me, still in Latin.

I know my father well enough to understand that’s his way of telling me to leave.

“Have a good day, Father.”

“You too,” he replies as he picks up his phone.

I exit the office, reflecting on the duration of the conversation I just had with the man. That was one of the longest conversations I’ve had with Father for a very long time. I don’t really know why I came today, except that I had an itching feeling to just see my parents. A lot of things have changed in the last few days since I spent the night with Olivia Weldon. It’s like the ground is constantly shifting under my feet, like I’m standing on soft sand. My usual straight focus has been blurred. My thoughts are all over the place. Things seem... evolving...


All because of the girl.

Maybe Father was right.

Maybe us Penmaynes thrive on theuncertain and the impossible.

Well, that’s certainly what Olivia Weldon is. The unreal, impossible, dream girl.



I’m pullingthe key out to unlock my dorm room when the door abruptly swings open and Ava is standing there in front of me. Before I can even react to the unexpected surprise, she grabs my arm and pulls me inside.

“You’ve got a secret admirer,” she gushes in unrestrained glee as I stumble into the dorm room led by her hand.

“What is it?” I ask, completely blindsided by the sudden action.

Ava’s eyes are wild. She nods toward my bed. “I’ve been waiting for you foragesto see what it is,” she explains. “I can barely contain myself. You got delivered a gift. I put it over there. Please open it and bring an end to my misery.”

I can already see it. A bouquet of bright flowers. And a wrapped package. Completely unexpected.

A gift? For me?

Who from?

“Do you know who delivered it?” I ask her.


Oh, but I know.

My gutknows.

My hands shaking, I impatiently rip open the package, not caring that the wrapping is getting torn to shreds in the process.

It’s a book. Of course it’s a book. Onlyhewould get me a book.

And it’s not just any book.

I gasp as I see the cover and read the title of the gift.

It’s Wuthering Heights. A special limited edition. It looks hella expensive.

Yep. Only one man would dare do something like this.

There’s a card that comes with the gift. I read it.