She unhurriedly drops the towel to around her ankles, and I truly get to see that she’s been utterly naked underneath the thing the entire time.
So, my suspicions were deliciously true.
She won’t be able to tell, thanks to my practiced stony outward composure, but my heart is beating a million times an hour as I observe her unwrap the towel from around her perfect body. That creamy white skin... pink nipples...
The body I have only dreamt about.
I take an authoritative and determined step toward her.
“I want to do this slowly,” I purr in my quiet voice. “I want to savor every moment with you. We have all the time in the world, and I want to make that time count. Everysinglesecond. I want to taste you, Miss Weldon. Soak you in like the treat you are. I want to make you surrender to your pleasure, and tome.”
I take another step toward her. My hand reaches for her face to pull her in.
Olivia lets out a sigh. “I want you to know something,” she stammers.
“What is it?”
“I’m... a virgin,” she says.
A smile crosses my lips.
“I understand,” I reply.
"You do?" she asks, her voice wavering a little. "You still want me when I am so...inexperienced?"
“I’m going to make this moment special for you,” I reply. “And that’s not just for selfless reasons on my side; the more you get from this, the more I enjoy it. And I amdeterminedto enjoy it fully. I want you, Miss Weldon.”
“Professor... this is a lot to take in...”
Her voice is full of trembling longing.
“I’m going to be completely honest with you,” I whisper. “I am going to fuck you, Olivia Weldon. Right now.”
"Are you scared?" I ask her.
She shrugs. "I'm not scared. Just...unsure."
“Well, I’m not like all the boys you’re used to,” I rumble. “I’m not like the boys at college. I am aman, and men like me are dangerous.”
“I think I can handle that,” she says. “I think I can handle a man wholikesto call himself dangerous.”
And there's that hidden steel of hers showing again.
Fuck me.
“You’re going to bite back at me?” I ask her.
My student nods. “Yep. You have a problem with that? Is that too dangerous for you, MisterDangerousMan?”
I snarl. “Be careful now, Miss Weldon. You’re treading a line here.”
“I like to tread lines,” she whispers. “Go ahead and do what you want to do. I’ve already signed that agreement; you can do whatever you want to me, theoretically. So just do it.”
“You’re still unsure.”
She shakes her head. “I’ve changed my mind. I want you to fuck me, professor.”