I’m simply...me. Some college girl - anonymous among the many others like me that go to CRU. What is it about me that makes this wealthy, powerful, and intelligent man take even two glances in my direction, let alone invite me into his home, kiss, and then make sign an NDA? Maybe it’s all spelt out here on the agreement: I’m just somethingcasual.
“I am sure the university will frown upon any relationship between a professor and student,” I say. “Why are you prepared to break the rules for me?”
The professor takes a moment to reply. His ice-cold blue eyes stare at me.
“Because it’syou, Olivia,” he replies. “I remember seeing you that first day in the lecture hall. Our meeting was not by pure chance. This hasn’t been luck, but some kind of fate. I must have you, girl.”
“Explain what that means,” I say, my heart shaking. “Please stop talking like some mystic gothic hero.”
“I just need you, Olivia.”
“And you’re not going to do a damn thing until I put my signature down?”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you...”
“It certainly seems like you don’t trust me, but it didn’t seem that way when you kissed me just minutes ago outside on your porch.”
“I need to protect... things,” the professor replies.
“Whatthings?” I ask him, my tone rising. I’m getting more and more irate at his mysteriousness.
“I can’t say.”
“And what about me? Please explain why you want me so badly that you’re making me do this?”
“Only once you’ve signed that NDA,” he replies quietly.
But I’m not giving up that easily.
“What are we going to call...this?” I ask him, a little more defiantly this time. “This thing we might have together? This thing you’ve started bykissingme?”
“We can call this whatever you want,” the professor replies calmly. “Illegal. Forbidden. Against the rules. Sneaking around. Or we can call it just plainfucking. I don’t give a damn whatever label we put on this. All I give a damn about, right now, Miss Weldon, is tasting that sweet irresistible pussy of yours and making you moan my name.”
I freeze.
His words cut through.
Me... moan... him tasting me...
Well, despite all my misgivings, those words of his make me want to sign.
Am I that easy?
Yes, it turns out I am.
I mean, what else was I going to do? I should come to terms with the fact that I’ve been thinking – beenobsessed– with my professor ever since I first saw him on my nighttime run.
My heartrate accelerates as I take in his blunt, sensual words. A hotness spreads through my veins like an aching fire.
Spencer’s handsomely sculptured features have a magnetic command on me, and I can’t escape the feeling that bubble up inside me.
Words can’t express the lust I’m experiencing.
He makes me feel so safe. There is so much longing for him in my bones that all other thoughts evaporate from my mind like dust being blown away.
I can’t resist...
I can’t bear to remain in this weird purgatory before I dare put my signature down. I must understand why he wants me so badly. The titillating fantasies rush through my head.