I close his door behind me and walk out.

Into the pouring rain.

I didn’t realize it was raining like this outside from the safety of the professor’s house. I stomp my way onto the sidewalk and huff. I’m already soaked through.

“Forgot to bring an umbrella,” I mutter to myself, cursing all the way down the street.

I just want to get back to my dorm. Have a shower. Wrap myself up in my bedding.

And somehow try to forget all about my English Lit professor. And that perfect kiss. And the fact he doesn’t want to have me despite locking lips with mine.

His past? What an excuse. He just wants to play with me and my heart. Well, I’m not here to inflate his ego. I’m not going to run back to him just because he wants to play the mysterious older gent.

It’s over. I’m done with him. I’m not going to be played with for some rich professor’s enjoyment.

The rain falls heavily against my face. I close my eyes and turn the street corner.

It’s going to be a long, wet walk back to the dorms.

But I don’t care anymore.

But then someone grabs my hand from behind. A man’s hand. The grip is strong.

I spin around, expecting the worst.



Even though it’swet and cold outside, Olivia’s hand is warm when I take it. She doesn’t resist or pull back as she turns to meet me in the rain.

Her face, as always, captivates me more than she could possibly ever comprehend.

Her eyes meet mine. Hers are full of expectant desire. Mine are full of decisiveness.

She has the same look she just gave me back in the warmth and safety of my place as I finally kissed her... that same look that I could bask in forever.

She isn’t surprised that I’ve come out here and chased her down the street as the heavens have opened up. She isn’t surprised that I have taken her hand in the dark and twirled her around to me.

“I’ve made a mistake,” I say. The rain pelts down upon us. It seems as if the world could cease its tumultuous spin at any moment as we gaze in each other’s eyes. Nothing else on this planet holds significance except for the two of us standing right here in the downpour.

She blinks.

“What?” she asks. “It’s so loud, I can’t hear you.”

“I made a massive mistake,” I continue as we’re assailed by the elements. “I’ve changed my mind.”

“What are you saying, professor?”

“Iwantyou, Olivia,” I say. “I want you more than words can express.”

She doesn’t say a single word. Her full lips quiver as the water from the sky drips down that captivating, beautiful face of hers.

And that’s when, for the second time tonight, I kiss her.

She doesn’t reject my touch. In fact, quite the opposite: she falls -hard- against my embrace.

A million thoughts surge through my mind as she kisses me back in the pouring rain. I yearn for her body and her mind. I desire to shield her from all terrors of the world. I want her to sense the profound adoration that she deserves. I crave for her to wholly surrender to her feelings for me as much as she’s surrendering to my kiss right now.