He’s truly like a brooding hero from a Gothic novel.

“Um, what the hell was that?” Ava asks me, her arm around Luke’s waist. Her eyes are wide. “Am I going crazy, or did Professor Penmayne just practically asked you out?”

I take in a deep breath and wave away her concern nonchalantly. Well, Itryto feign complete indifference.

“It’s nothing,” I say. “I’m doing private feedback lessons with the professor, that’s all. I kinda screwed up my last assignment big time and he wants to go over my work and make sure everything’s on track.”

Ava stares at me.


She may pretend that it’s nothing, but I know my roommate.

I know when she is suspicious.



I can sensethat Olivia is staring after me as I walk away from her down the hallway. It is exactly what I want.

Yeah, I know. It was so dramatic of me to halt her in the middle of the college campus, but I just couldn’t resist myself. I had to ask her out. I know it was risky approaching her like that and summoning her to my place tonight, especially in front of her friends, but I am a man who thrives on a bit of danger. Skirting the brink of what is respectable for my own enjoyment. Maybe I’ve got some of the theatrics that Damon has.

Olivia knows that the little game we’re playing is right on the border of the forbidden. We may not have committed ourselves to each other yet with anyphysicalactivity, but we are dancing at the very cliff edge of tension.

And it is so damn thrilling.

I can’t resist her.

Teasing her in public.

Making her blush in front of her friends.

We haven’t even kissed yet, but the pressure is unbearable between us.

Oh, those lips. I would love to taste her. Feel her wetness. Take command. Make her mine.

But... my past. I can’t stop thinking about it, and what that might mean for Olivia.

It could hurt her. It will hurt her.

Tonight will be nothing: a mere study session back in the private sanctity of my place. I am simply just trying to get to know her, that’s all. I will not overstep any boundaries. I’ve promised myself that.

But I am lying to myself. I know I won’t be able to stop my impulses. Especially when I’m in a room, alone, with a girl whose own heart is so clearly thudding for me.

The tension between us is surely close to snapping, and I am inviting it to do so.

Tonight may be the last straw.

Will I destroy us both?



Yet again,I find myself standing outside Professor Penmayne’s house. I take in a long, deep breath as I take a long look at the front door with trepidation.

What does he want with me? This is surely more than something casual. Is this a date? It does feel like he asked me out in the hallway... and in front of Ava and Luke as well, just to make things even more confusing. Well, this is certainly not like any other date I’ve heard of. Professor Penmayne is certainly not like any other guy my age. He’s mature and calm and confident and such a damn enigma.