“Are we still going to study together in the library after lunch?” I ask her.
Luke puts his arms around his girlfriend’s neck from behind and glares at me. “I’m afraid she’s going to be busy with me,” he sneers.
Ava rolls her eyes at him and sighs apologetically toward me.
“Can we reorganize another day, Olivia?” she asks.
Luke’s face is triumphant. I wish I could scrub the expression from my mind.
“Okay,” I mutter, avoiding his smug looks. “Let’s do it another day. You will walk with me to class, though, right?”
“Yep,” Ava says, taking my hand with hers. “I’m heading the same way.”
“And so am I,” Luke adds. He beams at me in victory. It’s revolting.
We enter the college building and make our way down the hallways full of students.
And then, someone steps in front of us. We all stop. Wehaveto stop.
Professor Penmayne.
He’s got a folder under his arm.
Has he been waiting for me to come down this hallway?
His blue eyes beam.
“Olivia,” he says, his voice low. “I’ve been looking for you.”
I’m startled.
My throat dries up.
“Yes. You.”
I turn to look at Ava and her boyfriend. They’re observing with intense marvel, both as amused and startled by the professor’s appearance as I am.
“Why?” I ask him.
My mind flashes back to being in the car with him the other night - to the sensual and forbidden dream I had with him as the starring role. To all the questions that keep swirling around my head.
“We need another feedback session,” my professor explains. “Youneed another feedback session.”
“Um... sure. I do.”
“I’ll message you the details,” he says calmly. “Are you free tonight?”
My mind is totally blank.
“Yes,” I say, not remembering what the hell I might have on tonight. There’s a tiny voice in my head telling me that there should be nothing important I can’t cancel.
This man can certainly cast a spell...
“Good,” the professor replies. And then, as quickly as he popped into existence in front of us, he turns and walks away down the hallway. Gone in a heartbeat.