He’s just staring. At me. Unblinking. Thatintenseglare of his. It’s like he’s trying to beam a laser through me.
And I am on edge.
He’s wearing one of his trademark suits—another perfectly tailored one. Does he ever don something casual? Even when stalking one of his students, he still dresses up in an impressive, classic, refined style that wouldn’t be out of place on the streets of London.
Finally, he speaks.
“You want to go?” he asks.
I blink at his question.
“Excuse me?”
The man straightens his back and adjusts his cuffs. “I can take you back to college. I have my car parked around the corner.”
“My mother told me not to get into cars with strange men,” I reply.
“I am your professor, Olivia. I am no stranger.”
The way he looks at me as he says that...
It’s like he can read my mind.
Scary as fuck.
I take one last look at the warehouse behind me. I reallydon’twant to go back in there. I reallydon’twant to bump into Michael again.
I would, honestly, like a ride back home.
But with my professor? The one I’ve dreamt about? The one who won’t stop showing up?
I shrug. “Okay. Thanks.”
“This way.”
We head to his parked vehicle in silence, the only sound coming from the muffled hypnotic beat of the music inside the rave. I wonder where Ava is, and if she’s looking for me in that warehouse. I better send her a quick message saying I’m heading home. I feel a bit guilty that this is the second time in a row I’ve left early from a party she’s taken me to, but I think it’s now fair to say that these kinds of college gatherings are reallynotmy kind of thing.
In his nice car on the way back through Crystal River, I decide to ask Professor Penmayne what’s been burning in my mind.
“What were you doing there? Were you going to break it up?”
“What was I doing at the rave?” he asks.
“Yeah. Why where you there?”
“Simply because I’m a professor, you think I was there to stop some silly little party from happening?”
He seems kind of cross that I can’t guess why he might be hanging around outside an illegal gathering.
“I just assumed that you would be trying...”
My words fall flat in the formal stillness of the car. I let the awkwardness between us linger. There’s a long pause. The professor turns the car around a corner.
I glance quickly at his face. That impeccable jawline. Those cold eyes. That perfect stubble. That delicious scent of his.
He’s a man in a whole different league than me. A whole different class, and I’m not just talking about money.
So then why does he seem so fixated on me?