What am I doing here? I just want to go home and snuggle back into bed with Wuthering Heights.
“Why did you run away?”
Michael has followed me. I hear the back door of the warehouse shut with a bang.
I turn to face him, my fists balled and ready to go. I know I wouldn’t have much of a fighting chance against this guy, especially with my height and frame, but I’m going to really show him how not interested I am if he tries anything.
“Please go away,” I say. “Please leave me alone.”
He doesn’t listen to me. His eyes are wild and full of intent. For me. I’m stuck here, isolated from everyone else with him. The only escape is back through the exit, directly behind the man I don’t want to go near.
“Iknowyou want me, Olivia.”
“I really don’t,” I mutter. “I don’t know who you are.”
He ignores me again and reaches out to grab my arm...
“Get away from her.”
The voice comes from the shadows. Both Michael and I face where the mysterious speaker is.
A man steps out into the light.
And I find myself unable to breathe again.
It’s Professor Penmayne.
“Oh, shit,” Michael utters under his breath at the sight of the professor. He clearly recognizes who he is.
And then he runs away. His feet scramble fast away on the dirt that surrounds the warehouse.
He’s gone. Leaving me alone with the professor.
I lookat my English Lit professor. It’s hard to discern the details of his face in the darkness outside the warehouse.
“Are you okay?” he asks me, his voice low. There is something etched across his beautiful face. It can’t be...
Yes, it is.
“I’m fine,” I say, my eyes darting back to the entrance of the warehouse, where Michael had just scrambled back into like a terrified rat.
But I’m not thinking about Michael anymore. Not when Professor Penmayne is standing in front of me.
What is he doing here? What is he doing at this rave? Has he really followed me here, to the edge of town?
He was waiting in the trees. Why would he do that? Was he waiting for me?
If there are any clues hiding in my professor’s expression, I can’t spot them for the life of me.