“You’re definitely blushing,” he remarks. “Is that because I’m standing so close to you?”


“Does my presence rattle you, Olivia?” he asks me.

I know I should back away and make my excuse to leave.

But I don’t.

These novel sensations surge through me. How I can feel his deep masculine voice in the depths of my pussy. How my body is screaming for him, overriding all forms of common sense I might have. I no longer care that he is my professor - I want him. More than I’ve ever wanted any other man, fictional or not.

Oh, God. What is his presence doing to me?

“No,” I reply to the professor. “Not at all.”

I glance down.

“Eyes on me, girl.”

The professor’s baritone penetrates me, and I can’t help but look back up to his deep blue eyes.

He’s staring at me in his intense, unblinking way.


His gaze could melt me.

I look back at him even though I really want to turn away in embarrassment. I know I reallymustbe blushing now. Full-on bright glaring red.

He takes another step toward me. This time we are so freaking close that I can feel his hot breath against my cheek.

I allow my sight to dance down to his full lips that are mere inches from mine. We could kiss. Weshouldkiss...


What am I thinking? This is madness. It’s so illicit to think thoughts like this, here in the library. With my professor.

And that’s what makes it so hot.

“What are you looking for, Olivia?” he asks, whispering. “What work of fiction?”

“Dracula,” I reply.

“Ah. Be careful with that book,” my professor says. “You don’t want to have nightmares. You don’t want to be forced to stay up all night lost in the depths of your subconscious abyss, believe me.”

He reaches behind me and pulls it from the shelf. Without breaking eye contact with me, he gently places the book in my hands.

“Did this book give you nightmares when you read it?” I ask him, my voice barely above a murmur.

The professor smiles.

“No, it didn’t. I only dream about real things. Real people. Trust me, those kinds of dreams are a whole lot scarier than ones of some supernatural beast who feasts on your blood.”

“I’ve been having some weird dreams lately,” I mutter. “Maybe this book will only make things worse.”

I swear I see a sparkle of recognition pass by the professor’s face.

“Oh? Dreams about what, exactly?”