He smells amazing. Fresh. Like the dew after a night of heavy snow in the mountains.

And his eyes are wild.

It’s clear he wants something.

He wantsme.

“Sit down on the bed,” he growls at me before slamming the dorm room door shut behind him. No one can see us now. No one can witness what’s about to unfold.

But, despite my fears of being left alone with my rough and unpredictable college professor, I don’t register any protest. I follow his cold command.

I’m so damn submissive to this man.

He comes swooping toward me as I take my place on my bed. He leans down so that our lips are nearly touching.

The untamed energy he’s exhibiting...

It’s driving me wild.

“I’m going to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a hell of a long time,” he whispers to me, his voice quivering with excitement.


But before I can get a word out, he’s kissing me.

It’s the moment our lips touch that I’m startled awake.


I’m breathing heavily. My chest rises and falls. Hot sweat drips down my cheeks and I’m ripped back to reality.

My wide eyes scan my surroundings and my mind gathers the facts.

The professor isnotin my dorm room. I have been asleep. My Wuthering Heights book is lying, sprawled, over my chest. I must’ve drifted off while I was reading and had the most vivid dream.

A fantasy about my professor...

It felt so real. So present.

And, somehow, I’m turned on.

Oh. Double crap.

My sex throbs with longing for him. Longing for his lips. Longing to follow his orders.

I’m so subordinate to his commands. This is ample proof that this isn’t some passing attraction, but a deep thirst for the man who I barely know.

I can’t be doing this.

My head stings. I sit up on my bed and exhale a long sigh.

Get a grip on yourself, Olivia.

The dream felt so real...

So real that I need to write it down. That’ll help me process it. Process what I’m feeling. Process the crazy thoughts that run through my head.

And so I pull out a spare notebook from my drawer and begin scribbling away.