“Yes, Miss Weldon. Dreams can reveal that information. They can tell you who you truly want.”

The girl takes a second to let that sink in.

“Okay,” she finally says. “Let me see your notes, then.”

“Excellent. Sit down and let me show you.”

We have an easy chemistry as we scour through her work. EvenIam surprised at how comfortable we are with each other and how seamless we connect. We’re operating on the same, high-powered, electrical wire.

‘Thanks for helping me with this,” Olivia says as she sits and looks at her amended essay. I watch her with interest as she quickly scans through the pages. Her full pretty lips are partially open as she reads my handwritten notes. “Having a second look, I can see that I might’ve not been operating at my best here.”

My eyes dart over her creamy complexion. Her brown hair. The way she looks.

Hold yourself in check, Spencer.

I lean in close to her, and I can observe her skin reacting to my proximity with subtle tingles. She turned me down not that long ago, and yet I am convinced she harbors a hidden desire for me. Tonight merely reaffirms that conviction.

"What are your thoughts on my suggestions?" I inquire, a playful glint in my eyes as she places the pages on the table. "Do they make sense?"

Olivia sighs and allows herself a moment to consider my question. I wonder what she is thinking behind those gorgeous soft brown eyes of hers.

"Yeah, they make sense."

"Do you believe I can be of assistance?" I ask, leaning in slightly, the air between us thick with anticipation.

She looks up, meeting my gaze. "Yes, I think you can. I can see where I might've gone wrong and where I might’ve rushed."

"That is precisely why I am here," I murmur. "Toguideyou."

"I promise I usually put in a lot of effort into my coursework."

"I can tell," I reply, a smirk playing on my lips. "That's precisely why I've invited you here. Let's uncover why your work didn't meet your usual standard."

"I just need a chance to prove myself," she whispers, the air around us pulsating with charged energy.

"I am more than willing to give you that chance," I respond, our whispered words hanging in the air, creating a tension that crackles like electricity.

Olivia takes in a deep breath.

“But before I can continue,” she says. “Before I commit to you helping me with this, I have a request.”

Something in me stirs inquisitively.

“And what is this request, Olivia?” I ask her.

“I want to know more about you,” she mutters.

Oh, she does? I make her curious?

I like that.

I take my leisure to sit down opposite her. I raise my wine glass to my lips and sip for a long time – savoring the tension brewing between us - before finally answering her.

“Why do you want to know about me?”

“Come on, you must knowwhy,” she replies. “No one seems to know who you truly are. Everything you do is shrouded in mystery. Like, why are you teaching at CRU? Why are you here?”

“I’mshrouded in mystery, am I? I’ve never thought of it like that.”