“What are you doing now?” I ask her.

“I think I’m going to go back to the dorms,” she replies.

Here’s my chance.

“How about I get you a drink?” I ask her bluntly.

She blinks, confused by my request. “Now?”

“Why not?”

I see her mind thinking behind those gorgeous brown eyes of hers. There’s a long pause as she considers my offer.

“Maybe not,” she eventually replies.


I’m being rejected? Me?

“And may I ask why?” I question.

Olivia diverts her focus. She’s shy and on the defensive. “You’re... myprofessor,” she says weakly.

As if that’s an impediment to someone like me.

“Sure. But, also, that doesn’t have to matter,” I say.

“Besides,” she continues, “I don’t know anything about you. Nothing.”

I can’t help but smirk. “That’s true. But we can get to know one another over a drink. I know a bar nearby.”

The girl continues to avoid my eye contact and stares distractedly at the ground. “You’re myprofessor…”

She’s repeating herself.

“I know who I am - you don’t have to keep saying that. But being a professor doesn’t stop me from wanting to get to know a student of mine in out-of-lecture hours.”

“Is that all you’re after?” she asks. “To just get to know me, or is there something else? Somethingmorethat you have in mind?”

Straight to the point. Good.

“How about you guess what I have in mind,” I say to her in a whisper.

I want this conversation to continue, I want her to speak out loud what’s really happening here between us, but Olivia looks uncertain.

“Goodbye, Professor.”

Damn. Ended so soon.

It’s an awkward farewell.

And before I get the chance to reply, she immediately dashes off past me. My eyes can’t help but follow her – and her alluring body – as she disappears into the night.

And I come to realize something.

My dream girl’sscaredof me.

And I begin to wonder, does she think of me as much as I think of her?