I push open the gym doors.
And there he is. Standing there outside the gym.
Clearly waiting for me.
And this time, he’s not my fantasy. He’s very real.
“Olivia,” my English Lit professor whispers to me in the quiet night. “The running girl...”
“Um... hello.”
The girl from my dreams stands in front of me and brushes a loose strand of her tawny brown hair from her beautiful soft face. She is so close that I can’t help but breathe her in. Fresh and sweet. I can tell she’s just showered. Looking renewed. My gaze lingers on her full lips.
I still can’t believe she’s real...
“Fancy seeing you here,” I say calmly.
She appears genuinely taken aback to find me outside the campus gym, although such a reaction is unwarranted - I became acutely aware of her presence the very moment I entered the gym, and I amunequivocallycertain that she was aware of me as well. Regardless of her attempts to mask this fact, it was pretty damn evident that she was closely observing me through the gym's mirror as I commenced my workout. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t conceal her delicate, pretty eyes from wandering over my body.
“I was just exercising,” she replies, hesitant. She’s nervous around me.
“It’s quite late for you to be at the gym,” I remark. “No one else is here at this time of the night, and certainly no other student. And it is a Saturday, surely there must be a whole plethora of parties for a young woman like yourself to attend?”
She shrugs. “Parties aren’t really my style. I like to work out when there’s no one else around...”
“I’maround,” I say in a whisper, cutting her off.
She bites her lip at my words.
My cock hardens.
“Did you have a good workout?” she asks.
“Very good.”
We fall quiet for a moment.
“We’re alone,” she observes.
“Yes,” I reply slowly. “We’re alone.”
I resist the urge to continue my gaze down past her eyes and at the rest of her luscious body. I can just make out her alluring shape in the peripheries of my vision. She exudes an athletic demeanor, yet her curves are evident in the most desirable of places. As I observed her executing squats upon my entrance to the gym, I couldn't help but appreciate her dedication to her physical health. I couldn’t help butadmireher and her form. I really like a woman who knows how to wear activewear, and Olivia Weldon wears itverywell.
She might’ve just showered, but I can still smell her lingering hot sweat. Thatreallyturns me on.
“You like to work out?” she asks, unsure of what to say. “Go to the gym?”
I smile. “I like to take care of myself.”
“Yeah, you clearly do,” Olivia replies, and she immediately blushes. She’s embarrassed at blabbering out thoughts that should be best kept to herself.
Oh, it’s very cute.