Professor Penmayne.
And this time it’sdefinitelyhim, not some quirk of my imagination at a party, but the real man in flesh and blood. And, for once, he’s not in his suit, but in workout gear.
This time I really do freeze to the spot. I continue to watch him through the mirror. He doesn’t seem to notice me from across the room, thank God.
His arms are showing. Thick, muscular, veiny arms.Flawlessarms. Not the kind you would normally associate with an English Lit professor, but more with a professional bodybuilder who takes pride in his physical appearance. He’s that perfect balance of being both extremely muscular and tightly toned. Not too big, but still so deliciously defined.
And so, so masculine.
Oh, come on, Olivia. Stop fawning over your professor...
But I can’t help staring through the mirror at him.
He strolls past the weights section and straight to cardio, mounting a treadmill. His back is to me. There’s no way he can spot me now.
Okay. I’m just going to completely pretend he’s not here. I raise the volume on my headphones and focus on myself and not on the man through the mirror. He’s just my professor, that’s all. This is the university gym: he’s perfectly allowed to be here. I am allowed to be here too. And I really shouldn’t stare.
Even if he’s so damn mesmerizing.
80s synth is blasting in my ears.
He’s wearing grey sweatpants. Something about the professor in those is just so alluring. I’m such a basic girl, aren’t I?
As he works out, he grunts and sweats. He’s really pushing himself. I imagine Professor Penmayne as being a man that doesn’t go into things half-heartedly.
Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
I avert my eyes from the sight of him for the rest of my workout. He remains on the treadmill, running at a fast pace during my last few sets. He doesn’t turn around once. He doesn’t look behind his shoulder. He doesn’t notice me at all.
Think about the workout, Olivia. Just think about the workout.
When I’m finished, I go to the female locker room to have a quick shower.
As I stand there, under the hot water, my mind drifts. I imagine my professor walking into the empty locker room and wandering purposefully up to me in the shower. Him muttering my name in that dark low voice of his with that perfect diction.
Those tight grey sweatpants barely disguising a hung cock that thickens as he gets closer...
His fingers running freely and dominating through my hair as he starts to get dripping wet in the shower with me...
His lips brushing my ear as he whispers how much he wants me...
It’s so wrong.
But it feels so good.
“You’re crazy, Olivia,” I whisper to myself as the shower steams up the locker room, holding back a laugh at the ridiculous scenario in my head.
Really? A fantasy about my college professor? Can I really be that cliché?
Oh, but I do love it.
I smirk at my impulsive thoughts as I dry myself with my towel and quickly get changed.
I yawn. It’s time for bed now. I’ve stayed up way too late.
As I leave the gym, I can’t help but surreptitiously make one last fleeting peek over at the treadmills foryou-know-who, but he’s not there. He must’ve left while I was still showering.
I let out a sigh of relief. I don’t want my fantasy to spin out of control, no matter how damnniceit was. It’s late at night and my mind is racing. I just need to calm down - no more thinking about my hot professor.