“Oh, you do?” I ask her.
She bites her plump lip. “I do.”
And then I lean over and kiss her. Intensely. She kisses me back with equal desire.
And then we’re stripping each other. Our hands can’t get enough, fumbling in the car to get at each other’s bodies. Olivia smiles against my lips as I begin to feel her bare breasts, my fingers pinching her sensitive nipples as I relish her assets.
“Are we really going to do this here?” she asks, breathless between kisses. “In your car?”
“I just want you, Olivia. No matter where. No matter if we’re teacher and student. Forget all the rules and regulations and customs and surrender yourself to me.”
She’s happily resigned to the fact that we’re about to fuck in the confines of my luxurious car. She leaps into my lap and helps me unbutton my shirt while my hands squeeze her ass. Her hair flows off her head and around mine as we continue to kiss when her hands rip open my shirt. We’re feverish. Olivia’s eyes are heated.
“Fuck me, professor,” she moans.
I enter her. I don’t need to be told twice.
I fuck her, then. Hard and fast. In this car, out here in the middle of nowhere, all our inhibitions are let loose. Unlike the gym or my office, we’re no longer afraid of anyone discovering us, and that makes usloud. Olivia moans and squeals with pleasure as I grunt through my thrusts.
I stare at the beautiful girl in front of me as I rush toward the inevitable conclusion, unable to divert my eyes anywhere else. She is so indubitably gorgeous, and, for a moment, I am overwhelmed by the fact that she has agreed to bemine.
Olivia stares back at me.
She really is an angel from a dream.
It’s late at night,and Spencer and I are the only people in the college gym. We’re here for a workout, both of us doing our own thing from across the room; Spencer sprinting hard on the treadmill and me doing my weighted squats.
I have my headphones in, as normal. Blasting tunes as I work out.
I feel good.
And I feel even better knowing my professor is in the same room.
I must avoid looking at him. I must avoid glancing at his sweaty gorgeous face as his athletic body easily gallops on the machine like some majestic wild beast.
God, I never thought I’d be so...horny.
I clench my teeth and do another set of squats. My legs are buckling under the weight. It’s just as I like it. I want to feel the strain. The pain of my body strengthening. I close my eyes and power through the set.
Done, I lift the bar back into its resting position.
And then there’s a sharp spank on my ass.
I smile before I even look around. I know it’s Spencer.
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” I ask him in an excited whisper.
The man is towering behind me, a devilish smirk on his gorgeous face.
“No, I couldn’t.”
“So bad of you to do that,” I remark. “What if someone comes in and sees us? There would be hell to pay. We would be discovered, and we can’t have that.”