I really don’t know what to do, so I simply take a step to stand next to Spencer.
Quinn’s attention turns back to me. “Slut.”
The word hits me like a bullet.
But I don’t have the time to process it before she slaps me.
In the face.
There’s an almightyclapand then the worst stinging sensation I’ve ever had in my life as her hand makes surprising contact with my cheek. My face spins, and I feel my whole balance shake.
And I’m falling to the ground.
I look up at Quinn standing over me.
“Sleeping with an older man just to get his money, slut? I’m going to give you what you deserve.”
And she raises her foot.
Holy shit, she’s going to kick me...
But then Spencer’s hands are around his ex-wife. And he’s pulling her forcibly away out of reach of me.
I’m so freaking dazed from the unexpected slap, but I still can hear screaming coming from Quinn. I can’t see anything except for the back of Spencer. My vision is blurry. That slap has really knocked me hard.
The next few moments are a bit of a blur in my memory.
There are sirens. We’re right in the middle of Crystal River near the police station, so it obviously doesn’t take long for the police to arrive at the scene. One of the parents at the playground must’ve called them.
I hear Quinn still screaming, but this time it’s at the police. I see uniforms. They’ve got her surrounded.
I’m still on the ground.
And then there’s Spencer leaning down next to me. Talking sweetly in my ear.
“Are you okay?” he asks me.
I can’t speak. I just nod.
And then he’s turning to the police. “Please be careful with Quinn,” he’s saying. Even though she’s completely unhinged, he’s still being respectful to the mother of his child.
I lie back on the grass and take in a deep breath, trying to quiet my throbbing mind as everything turns to chaos around me.
Well, this hasn’t gone in any way I expected...
We’re nowat Crystal River’s police station: mere yards away from the park. Not far away at all from the scene of the crime...
The slap.
I find myself seated on an uncomfortable plastic chair in a brightly lit waiting room, tending to my swollen cheek with an ice pack and thinking that, right now, I would want to be anywhere else in the world but here.
I have nothing to do but people-watch as I am forced to wait for Spencer to emerge from inside one of the investigation rooms. Many people come and go; marching quickly in and out of this building like it’s some kind of a hellish pit they don’t want to be in. I don’t blame them for thinking that way. The police station is a busy place.
I think over what the hell just happened. I stormed into that park to confront Spencer Penmayne over his lies to me, and then I left the park with the realization that he has a daughter and an ex-wife and with a new imprint of said ex-wife’s hand on my face.