And that solemnity from him makes this whole situation even sexier.
“You’re going to spank me for being a naughty girl?” I ask him expectantly.
“Turn around,” he says darkly in a lower register than normal. “Do it.”
I see the craving for me ignite in his eyes.
I guess I better not let him down...
With his hand steering me on my waist, I turn around so that I’m now facing his desk. Spencer, behind me, uses one hand to clutch my hair and compel my head forward, driving my back to arch inward and my ass round toward his groin. His other hand reaches around my waist to undo my jeans. It’s all so effortless for him.
And then he strips me naked. My bare ass faces toward him. I feel a slight chill in his office as I’m exposed to him and his lust.
The professor bends down so that his lips graze my ear.
“You’ve got such a naughty little mouth, Miss Weldon. It’s high time I punish you for all your teasing and talking back.”
And then he spanks me. I let out an excited giggle as I feel his strong, manly hand graze my backside.
I feel so dirty.
“I’m such a bad girl for you,” I whimper.
I hear an affirmative grunt from my professor as he spanks me again.
And again.
And again.
I moan loudly, but the professor quickly covers my mouth with his palm.
“Be quiet,” he whispers. “I don’t want the whole university finding out about our little affair.”
I nod, endeavoring to hold back the tears of delight and pain.
And there is one more smack.
Oh, yes...
“Learned your lesson yet?” the professor questions me.
I nod again. I want to speak and tell him that I’ll do anything for him – that I’ll be hisgood girl– but I don’t dare go against his command to be silent.
“Good,” he says. “Turn back around and let me fuck you.”
How can I resist?
But despite my overwhelming willingness to bow to his every command – especially when he’s so darkly dominating like he is right now – I’m not going to let him offthateasily.
I turn around and stare at him. My pussy is glistening wet. My fingers grip the edge of the desk.
“You can only fuck me, but on one condition,” I say to the man.
Professor Penmayne raises an eyebrow. “And what’s that, Miss Weldon?”
“You’ve gotta make me cum first.”