Page 17 of Kiss To Tempt

He’s one of the volunteers at the center.

How will I ever be able to look him in the eyes again after the mess I was last night?

Later,I coach myself.Think about it later. Now get out of here before he wakes up.

Slowly, I move toward the edge of the bed, all the time monitoring that he’s still asleep. The bed creaks as I get off of it, and I swear I stop breathing for a second, but Quinn’s still sleeping soundly.

As quietly as I can, I grab my dress and bra. I’m not sure where my panties are, but at this moment, I don’t really care one bit.

I need to get out of here.


Slipping my clothes on, I go toward the door. Biting the inside of my cheek, I give one last glance to the man sleeping in the middle of the king-size bed, and then I get the hell out.

* * *

“You look awful,” Kiara says in the way of a greeting as I slip into the chair opposite hers.

“Thanks, that’s exactly what every girl wants to hear,” I deadpan, running my fingers through my hair.

“Hey, I’m just saying it as I see it. Do you want me to bullshit you?”

“Hell, no.” If I could rely on one thing, it’s that Kiara will always be straight with me. No placating lies. No bullshit. Just honest to God truth.

“So, what gives?” she asks, just as the waiter comes to our table, placing two margaritas in front of us. “What’s the cause of those dark bags under your eyes?”

You’d think I’d learned after last night, but nope. My fingers wrap around the glass, and I lift it to my lips, taking a big gulp of the cool liquid.

My tongue darts out, licking the salt off my lips. “I broke up with John.”

“You…” My best friend’s mouth falls open as she just stares at me like I’ve grown two heads. Kiara opens her mouth, but no words come out. I think I actually left her speechless.

While I’m at it…

“And then I had sex with my next-door neighbor who’s just graduated college and is also volunteering at the community center.” The words all mash together from the speed they’re falling off my lips. I suck in a breath before forcing out a smile. “How was your week, Kiara?”

“Wait, what?” She shakes her head. “Back up there for a second. You slept with your neighbor?”

I tilt my head back and let out a sigh. “I should have known you’d focus on that tidbit first.”

“Umm, of course! Like, damn girl, I’ve been telling you from the start that John is a douchebag that’s not worthy of you, and you should dump his ass. So don’t blame me for wanting to focus on something brighter. We should be celebrating!” She places her elbows on the table and leans closer. “Was it any good? It must have been good if he left you tired.”

“I’m tired because I’ve been over-analyzing every single thing that has happened in the past twenty-four hours after I sneaked out of his apartment.” I clasp my hands together to stop myself from fidgeting. “Don’t you want to know why we broke up?”

“Because he’s an asshole?” Kiara lets out a sigh and grabs her own drink as she leans back in her chair and crosses her legs. “I thought we were finally on the same page about this one.”

“An asshole who cheated on me.” Kiara’s eyes narrow at my confession. And she doesn’t know even half of it. “Not only that, but he gotengagedto her before even breaking up with me. How’s that for an asshole?” I down the rest of my drink and signal the waiter for another round as I silently count in my head.




“What. In. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck?” Kiara yells just on cue, making heads turn in our direction—not that she gives a damn. “I mean, I knew he was an asshole, but this is taking it to a whole new level. Engaged? Who does he think he is? Brad Pitt?”

“I don’t know about that, but I think it might be one of his students.”