I try to focus on the screen he handed me, but he keeps growling at me.
“You ask your best friend to keep a secret but are stupid enough to go out in public on a date?”
I tilt the screen so I can see better, and there we are, me and Jolie at the ice rink in Blackhawk, and we’re all over each other. My heart sinks into my gut. I never thought… that place is in the middle of nowhere? I bought it out for privacy. I stiffen at the thought of it. I try to see what site the photo is on, but Logan yanks his phone back.
“And before you even dream of thinking that nobody but me has seen this, let me show you something else, you dumbass.” He swipes a few more times then shoves it back in my face. “Read it.”
I shove the phone into his chest and bite my lip, waiting for him to pull up what he actually wanted me to see.
He reads his phone, shakes his head, and swipes furiously again. “Here.” He wiggles the phone in front of me to take it again.
My jaw goes slack. Shit. I gaze at Logan who is shaking his head. He found out from our teammate?
“I found out from Rosario,” he confirms. “You know, because rookies love looking for their names on puck bunny blogs.”
I glance back at the incriminating text before he snatches the cell out of my hands yet again and swipes his finger all over it like a mad scientist or something. “It’s plastered all over these puck bunny fan sites. If Rosario has seen it…”
Chloe has seen it. My ex-wife had real obsessive tendencies, trust issues, and a jealous streak to rival Haley’scomet. During our marriage, she never missed an article about me, even if it was a silly blog on a website designed for hockey-mad young girls. I can’t expect she’ll have outgrown that by now.
“Tell me you told Jolie about everything last night?” Logan pleads, knowing how insane Chloe can be.
“I told her we’d talk tomorrow morning…”
He clenches his fists tightly, like he’s trying not to let them take a swing at me. “How could such a smart guy be so damn stupid? Now we’re here… all damn day and all damn night at the arena, and Chloe is not known for being reasonable. I’m thinking of that time she flew all the way to Boston to confront Zara Thomas.”
Chloe has never been level-headed. Logan is right. He’s referring to when Chloe confronted another woman I dated after she texted that she missed me. Mania shudders through my body, and I’m caught between the push and pull of needing to be in that arena and wanting to hightail it back to Starlight Canyon.
Logan finally calms down, and thank God, has nothing more to show me on his phone as he slips it in his back pocket. “Good thing my sister knows how to handle herself. I don’t even want to think about a showdown between those two.”
“She’ll be after me, not Joey.”
“Oh really?”
He draws out his words, giving me time to realize how naive the assumption is.
His features are unconvinced. “Yeah, I’ve seen what that woman does when she’s feeling jealous. Ice-bucket tantrum in Vegas? That poor server…”
Chloe’s jealousy rivaled any woman I knew. Iremember that night. A pretty server recognized me and Logan at a club many years ago, and she was a huge hockey fan. She bantered with us more like a guy than a puck bunny, but that’s what Chloe hated most about it. The server connected with me and Lo on a level Chloe never cared to. She didn’t give a shit about hockey. We spoke to the server for no more than three minutes when she said she needed to get back to her job but asked first for an autograph. Though it looked like she was going to ask for one on her boobs, she was actually pulling out a miniature notepad she had tucked in there for orders. Chloe didn’t wait long enough for it to come out and whipped our champagne from the ice bucket, then threw the frozen contents over the waitress.
That’s the kind of woman Chloe was.
And if that was all there was to be going on, Jolie dealing with a high-octane, jealous woman, I’d back my little Hunter every day of the week. But that’s not all there is to this…
“Go inside,” I tell Logan. “I’m going to try to call Jolie.”
He glances at his Rolex. “You got like ten minutes before you need to get kitted up.”
“I’ll do what I can.”