Page 42 of Bourbon Breakaway

Loves. Present tense.

I put my glass down. Maybe I’ve had enough, because an inappropriate amount of jealousy makes tracks through my veins.

“Do you still wish you were his taste?” The minute the words come out of my mouth, I regret them. It’s too much innuendo, and the thought of another man’s hands or mouth on Jolie makes me want to grind my teeth.

She leans into the back of the sofa right next to me, and the cushion gives way slightly so my body collapses a few more inches toward her.

“I was a fool to ever get involved with him. And a fool a million times more taking him back and being on that seesaw from hell.” She lets her hand fall to my thigh and pats me as she speaks. “But you know all about being foolish, so I don’t feel so bad admitting that to you.” Her words aren’t full of anything but honesty.

Her feminine hand rubs my leg, and she talks at the same time, staring into the distance. Her mind might be elsewhere, but mine is firmly planted under her palm. She strokes back and forth, mindlessly, far too close to my dick, and I swell in my jeans.

“He cheated on me three times. And that’s what I know of. And I still took him back. I bet you wouldn’t have done that, though.”

I can’t tell if it’s a question or a statement, and with half the blood in my body navigating away from my head and straight to my groin, it takes a minute for me to think about anything other than grabbing her wrist and guiding it to my cock for the friction it craves.

She’s spent a bit of time with my mom now, though, so Iassume she might have told Jolie the story. In fact, sitting here now, feeling like Jolie might know it wasn’t me who cheated… I realize how badly I want her to know. “I’m a no-second-chance type. I didn’t take Chloe back after I found out. But I also suspected it for a long time and did nothing.”

“So she cheated on you?” She’s not surprised. Her question is a confirmation.


Jolie’s head settles on my shoulder, and that mango-and-sawdust smell I love so much overwhelms my senses.

“Sucks doesn’t it? Even if you don’t really love the person anymore.” Her voice is laced with sadness that doesn’t belong there.

I hate thinking anyone has ever made her feel the unique humiliation of being betrayed, because I don’t care what anyone says out loud, or how many times other people tell youfuck ’em, it’s impossible not to feel inadequate when it happens.

And my Joey is anything but inadequate. She’s a once-in-a-lifetime catch, and Eric Larose is one blind bastard who I could fucking pummel right now knowing he treated this diamond like a disposable object.

I snake my hand around Jolie’s waist and tug her into me. I’ve given Jolie many hugs before, but she feels different in my arms this time. She feels like… a perfect fit. I know I’m supposed to be comforting her, but her body snuggled into mine… it has me breathing deeper. “Eric doesn’t know a good thing when he sees it.”

She lets out a sad laugh. “Apparently, that’s a theme in my life.”

I know she’s talking about prom night. “That was totally different.”

But right now, prom night feels like my biggestmistake because I could have saved both of us from a world of pain and been sitting here every night with Jolie’s head on my shoulder, feeling at peace.

But I can’t tell her that. I shouldn’t anyway. But then again, I should. Why would I let anything stand between me and making her feel worthy? I brace her arms and spin her to have her look me in the eyes. For the first time, maybe ever, she struggles with eye contact. Her confession drained her confidence, and I’m determined to put that glint back in that green sparkle.

“Joey, I never said no on prom night because you weren’t everything a man could dream for. I never said no because you weren’t beautiful, smart, witty, hilarious, fun as hell… you are all those things and more.”


I shake her biceps in my palms. “No buts—” Her gaze connects with mine, and I dive into her emerald eyes. “You are perfect, Joey…”

She lowers her hands to the tops of my thighs, leaning closer.

I close the space between us. “As perfect as they come.”

We’re face to face. Inches away from my lips on hers. My mouth lowers in slow motion and her strawberry lips part. And I know… I know I need to kiss her now. I can feel her breath on my mouth, steaming hot and ready for the most romantic kiss of my life until I’m not sure if our lips touch or not, but she turns her head, giving me a cheek instead. I’m dead still, ready to devour her ear now, but she refused me?

She squeezes the tops of my thighs, and her cheeks round with a smile. “I’ve dreamed of turning you down for years, Ashton Dane.”

A coy delight paints her features, and I can practicallysee her pulse beating beneath the flesh of her neck. She might be turned away but she’s still in my space.Ourspace.

A devilish laugh escapes me. “Is this you refusing me? Your fingers digging into my legs? Your neck craning so you can feel my breath?”

She wraps her hand around my waist, buries her face into my neck, hiding. “I told you—you had your chance.” She continues the game.