Page 57 of Bourbon Breakaway

“All right. Don’t get fat. I know your mom’s a feeder.”

I end the call and think about how this time next week I’ll be back to practices and commuting to and from Santa Fe and not seeing my Joey in her tight, dusty jeans. Better make the most of it.

I got the all clear with the PT, a week earlier than Coach expected, and when I get off the call with him, the countdown begins. I only have about five more days with Jolie before it’s going to be tougher to see each other. So since I have the green light to be on ice, that’s where I want to be with her.

Thirty minutes outside Starlight Canyon, in the middle of nowhere, is the rink where Logan and I first learned to skate. It’s an outdoor rink that is wonderfully quiet because it’s too far from any major towns to get busy. Nonetheless, I phoned ahead to purchase every ticket for the evening so Joey and I can have a romantic public date in private. By the time of night we arrive, darkness swallows the unlit, deserted, single-track highway until the welcoming orb of floodlights illuminates a dome in the sky above a simple marquee tent, and nextto it, the sparkle of the ice rink. It’s almost surreal, and to me, it’s heaven.

As was my plan, the place is empty apart from a few workers, likely from the next nearest town of Blackhawk. Neither myself nor Joey recognize the teenager checking us in.

Joey’s sweet nose is a little pink in the cold November air. “Are you sure you’re alright to skate? I don’t want to break you.”

Feeling confident being outside of the Canyon, I scoop her into my arms. “You’ve already broken me, baby girl. I’m yours to ride now.”

She slaps my chest, clearly loving the wild stallion reference, and pours herself deeper into my chest. Having her here in my arms is the best feeling in the world. I thought I would die of starvation yesterday in my mom’s kitchen, not being able to touch her, feel her, and eat her. I didn’t give a shit about canapés.

I kiss her often, between my words. “Do you remember coming here when we were younger?” I glance around. “It hasn’t changed. Just what I hoped for tonight.”

Joey and I walk over to the benches rink side. She shoves her foot into her white hockey skate.

“Are those the same skates Logan got you for graduation?” I ask.

“Yeah.” She laces up the other one. “Shamefully, they haven’t had much use.”

“We need to change that.” I put on one of the spare pairs my mom kept all these years because my usual ones are still with the sharpener. I’m fast and adept after years of doing it and manage to stand before she does.

“Holy shit, Ashton. You’re a giant with those few extra inches.”

“Say that later… I like the sound of it.” I bite my lower lip and offer her a hand, hoisting her up to standing.

She is gorgeous in her skates, and her already long legs now stretch for miles. I don’t think I could love it more if she was wearing those crotchless panties again. Naked in skates… now that is something we need to try.

I take her hand, and she wobbles along with me. We head to the ice, and I glide out first and offer her my hands. She must have told me a thousand times in the car ride over that she hasn’t been skating for a long, long time.

“I got you, Joey. I always have you.”

“It’s not like I’m afraid of falling or anything. I ride horses, for God’s sake, but I can say, the last couple years my ass doesn’t take it like it used to.”

“I need you to tell me more about that…”

She smiles slyly. “I’m lucky to have a man as dirty as I am.” She holds my hand firmly and steps out with me.

I skate backward for a while and hold her hands as she gets the hang of it again. “It’ll come back fast. You skated loads when we were younger.”

She stares at the ice like it might jump up and bite her. “Do you call that skating? Most of the time I just had to make it out to the net and stand there getting pummeled. I didn’t skate much.”

“You were damn brave to do that with us.”

“Yes, I fucking was. Especially once you both were over six feet and eating two steaks a day for dinner. And I was just a weed back then.”

She was. But still the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. “Your skates are too straight. Try to angle them. Push and glide.”

She laughs. “Every goddamn thing you say right now sounds dirty…”

We’re near the edge, and I slam my back into it, pullingher hands so she falls into me and I catch her. I hold her tightly into me, my dick immediately thick with her flush against me.

“If you keep saying naughty things, I’m going to throw you down and melt this ice with your bare ass.”

I take her mouth in mine, snake my tongue into the warm space between her lips, and swallow her laughter because I want so badly to take it on the road with me.