Page 8 of Devil's Betrayal



For the next few weeks, I’ve managed to avoid any contact with Micah. I’ve seen him riding through town but I managed to quickly slip into a shop or restaurant before he could see me. It’s getting ridiculous and if I didn’t know any better I would say that he’s been in Iron Forge more than usual in order to run into me. I’m already on edge because a few days ago, I had my grandchildren and Alise overheard a conversation I was having with Lena. I was so caught up in my need to vent that I didn’t hear her when she came in. I was out of my mind with worry but she promised that she wouldn’t say anything to Gideon. It’s like I’m a teenager keeping my boyfriend a secret from my parents and it’s unnerving. Everyone is so happy right now and things have been peaceful around here. I don’t want to be the one that causes trouble between the Rebels and the Devils.

Lena suggested going out on a few dates to get my mind off of Micah. Lord knows there’s been plenty of men trying to dateme since I lost Franklin but we were married for so long that dating was the last thing on my mind. That simple kiss at the cemetery changed all of that. Micah has disrupted the steady flow of my life. I was perfectly content being alone because my grandchildren filled me with so much joy that I didn’t feel like anything was missing in my world. That kiss was a reminder that I’m still a woman with needs, and for the first time in a very long time I touched myself for pleasure.

He is the reason for so many sleepless nights and I hate him for reawakening those feelings. My mind flooded with thoughts of Micah’s lips on mine, his smell overtaking my senses, and his hardness pressed against my belly. Memories of the way he used to fuck me drowned my senses causing the most blissful and much needed release. Franklin and I didn’t have passion we had purpose. When he wanted sex, I was readily available to give it to him. Personally, I could do with or without it. When we were first married, I used to get myself off when he went to work. There was the occasional time when he would take his time and make love to me properly but overtime those moments were few and far between. In that simple brief kiss, Micah brought memories of our passion to the surface and my body has been on edge ever since. This is why I must avoid him because if we have another close encounter, I may not be able to resist him.

Speaking of Micah, he’ll be in Iron Forge today to discuss something with Gideon. A few nights ago, Gideon told me that they were meeting about an issue he’s having with some unwanted visitors. I’m not sure what it could be but if he’s talking to my son it must be something he needs to know about if it has the potential to impact Iron Forge. I’m not one to get involved in club business and as long as my son keeps his family safe, I’m good. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. While Micah is here, I’ll have a chance to visit my favorite antique store in Grants Pass and make it back home before it gets too late.Lena is watching the grandchildren since Alise has to work so I’ll be making the trip alone. It’s only about forty-five minutes so it won’t be so bad. Although it’s late afternoon, I’m willing to make the trip so that I can shop in peace.

The drive is peaceful as I make my way north on I-5 and since the breeze is warm, I drop the top on my convertible and relax into the drive. The sun’s kiss reminds me of the heat from Micah’s touch. Thoughts of him have occupied my mind every waking moment and it’s starting to drive me crazy. It seems as though everything reminds me of him and knowing that we can’t be together makes me feel an emptiness that hurts my soul. The “blessing” in my thoughts and dreams being consumed by Micah is I no longer have the occasional nightmare of Franklin sitting in that chair with his brains blown all over the wall. It was by far the worst day of my life and I’ll never get the answers I need to make sense of it all.

After that day in his office, Gideon never spoke of it again. He’s not one to be pressed so I accepted what was said in the brief conversation before Franklin pulled the trigger. The rest of the day was pure chaos and with Gideon’s connection to our local police, Franklin’s suicide was just that… a suicide. Nothing about the conniving, manipulative, thief that he truly was. Money will wipe your slate clean even when you’re a corrupt piece of shit. Gideon has refused to talk about what led to all of this. Although several years have passed, he’s still very angry. He has only wanted to discuss Jake, needing to learn everything he could about his birth father and I freely answered all of his questions. It was in those moments that I saw just how much he looked like Jake. He certainly didn’t deserve what Franklin had done to him and I never understood why Jake never wanted Gideon to know that he was his real father. Another question that will remain unanswered.

Pulling into an open parking space, I make my way into the store and peruse the latest antiques. Decorating is one of my favorite things to do and I love classic art. My house has several rooms and I have one specifically designated for historic décor. From reading books to just relaxing with a glass of wine, it gives me a sense of serenity and peace. The owners of this shop know me by name and it’s no surprise that I’ve spent way too much time in the store. How did I not notice that the sun has gone down? That is my cue to get back to Iron Forge. When everything is wrapped, I step outside and hold the door for Jonathon, the owner’s son, who’s helping me to my car.

As I let go of the door, I almost crash into Jonathon’s back when he suddenly stops short. Stepping to the side, I’m about to ask him what’s wrong when I see a broody looking Micah leaning against his motorcycle that’s parked right next to my car. Oh dear god, he’s so devastatingly handsome that warmth spreads across my skin and I know that my flushed cheeks give my thoughts away. With his legs crossed at the ankles, he exudes a confidence that makes me cower just a little. He’s so intimidating that I’m taken aback by his presence and not in the mood to engage him.

Giving Jonathon the go ahead to proceed, Micah doesn’t budge an inch as we put most of my packages in the back seat and the rest in the trunk. An onslaught of emotions crash into each other as I’m feeling both anger and excitement. My stomach flutters with nerves because I have no idea what to say to him. I should’ve kept a better watch on the time and gotten out of Grants Pass before he made it back here. He watches me with those steel gray eyes that always hold me captive as if I’m under a spell.

Bracing myself for this encounter, I thank Jonathon for his help and give him a tip. Before he heads back into the store, he looks to me asking without words if he needs to stay but I tellhim it’s okay and I’ll be fine. I don’t know how much truth are in those words but I say them anyway to move him along. Making my way slowly back to my car, I ask,

“How did you find me?” Yes, I’m being short with him because it creates the emotional distance I need to think straight in his presence. He knows exactly what being around him does to me and I’m not prepared to deal with him so soon after our encounter at the cemetery.

“There’s not too many people that drive a fire engine red convertible in these parts,” he answers in that drawl that makes me swoon. His staring unnerves me so much that I wrap my arms around my body to hide the shaking of my hands.

“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get home,” I tell him as I start walking to the driver side of the car. He’s parked so close that I ever so slightly brush up against him and I regret it because even the most minor contact makes my skin tingle. My body shivers as he plants his hands on either side of me, boxing me in. His hardness presses against my ass and I unconsciously push into him. To make matters worse, the lights have gone out in the antique store which gives Micah the freedom to tease me however he chooses. There’s not a soul in either direction as the small town shuts down for the night.

“That’s right, Cami, don’t fight me,” he urges, coaxing me as my head falls back, giving him full access to my neck. The warmth of his mouth against my skin persists in this gentle assault, eliciting shivers and awakening sensations in places that have been dormant for far too long. My pussy tightens as he boldly grinds against me. Though my mind tells me to halt this insanity, my body hungers for his touch.

“Micah, please don’t do this,” I plead softly as my breath hitches and if I don’t stop this, I’m afraid I’ll give into everything he demands of me. He’s asking me for more than I’m willingto give and it’s just not worth the risk. In this case, throwing caution to the wind would cost me everything.

“Why do you keep fighting us?” He murmurs, planting hot kisses along my neck.

“Because no matter how undeniably right this feels, it’s so incredibly wrong. On so many damn levels, this is wrong,” I emphasize, snapping back to my senses and turning to push him away. His body tenses with disappointment at my rejection but what other choice do I have?

“What do you want from me Micah? We can never be together and unless you can somehow turn back the hands of time, I’m not sure I can forgive you for what happened with Jake.”

Breathing a heavy sigh, he leans back onto his bike and says,

“If you want to know what really happened with Jake meet me up on Lightning Ridge under our tree. I know what Eagle told you but that wasn’t the whole story. Even if I can never have you again, the least you can do is let me explain.”

“What do you mean that wasn’t the whole story?” I inquire, totally confused because from what I was told it was pretty cut and dry what happened all those years ago. It all made sense.. at least at the time it did.

Instead of answering me right away, he straddles his bike and starts the engine. The loud noise is deafening but I’m thankful that he’s leaving. Raising his voice he shouts,

“Lightning Ridge, this Saturday, 7pm!” Staring at me one last time, he backs out of the space and speeds away leaving me an emotionally confused mess. I watch him until I can no longer see the illumination of the reflectors on his bike and my nerves finally get the best of me. Sending up a silent “thank you” for the darkness, I let my tears flow hoping they will wash away the residual effects of his touch. I’m doing my best to regain control over my emotions but my hands are still shaking as I get intomy car, start the engine, and push the button to close the top. Backing out slowly, I take a deep breath and wonder what the whole truth is. I have no reason not to believe him but am I willing to meet with him to learn what really happened. It seems I have no choice and if I’m being honest his words allowed the smallest bud of hope to bloom within. Maybe what he has to say will set us free and give Gideon the peace he so desperately needs.

Fostering the idea that Micah and I could possibly make a life together is the most insane thing to ever imagine. Then again, if what I believed all these years isn’t the whole truth, who am I to deny the universe a chance to align in my favor. I owe it to myself to find out what really happened to Jake. Gideon deserves to know the truth so that he can let go of the anger he continues to hold onto. I know my son and I can see it in his eyes every time we’ve had to deal with anything concerning Franklin. He’s still hurt and angry at how his father had no regard for Jake’s life. Then for Franklin to kill himself before he could answer for his crimes was devastating. Even in death, he hurt his son by leaving him with a plethora of unanswered questions.

The more I think about Micah’s request to meet with him, the more I feel the need to because I myself have many unanswered questions. On the other hand how do I tell my son that Micah was once the love of my life and that, if things were different he would’ve been the man that I married? Would he understand? Probably not with the anger he’s holding onto. Between now and Saturday, I need to choose which path to take and as I drive home my body seems to have answered the question for me.



The ball is in Cami’s court. It’s up to her whether or not she wants to know the truth. It’s another part of the story that I’ve been holding onto for all these years. When I told Eagle about Jake being his biological father, that was just the tip of the iceberg. He believes that I watched as Jake was gunned down but the truth is I tried to stop it. Franklin was very persuasive and although he appeared to be an upstanding citizen of Iron Forge, he was the coldest son of a bitch you could ever meet. He fooled Cami and everyone else in that small town. No one knew that side of him but the Devils and unfortunately, Jake found out about the whole operation and paid the price with his life.