Page 12 of Devil's Betrayal

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, my love.”



Over the next few weeks, Micah and I dedicate time to reconnecting and exploring our feelings. Lena is genuinely happy for me and understood why I was spending a lot of time in Grants Pass. Meanwhile, Gideon was curious about what was consuming my time so much that I wasn’t readily available to keep the kids or come over for dinner as often as I used to. I decided to put a hold on telling him about me and Micah because, honestly, I’m feeling a little uncertain treading these waters and thankfully Micah understood my hesitation. It was imperative that I sorted out my feelings and make sure that Micah would have a lasting role in my life before I disclosed our relationship to Gideon.

Being in love is not enough to sustain a relationship. Our life experiences molded us into two very different people from who we once were. Franklin hid everything from me and it taught me a crucial life lesson… never blindly trust someone to the point that you’re completely oblivious to what is going on around you.No matter how hard it was to hear, I needed to know every facet of Micah’s life in the MC, recognizing that my naivete left too many unanswered questions when Franklin took his own life. I won’t make that mistake again.

Micah is, or I should say was, a savage. That’s the only word I can use to describe the horror of everything he shared with me about his life as president of the Devil’s MC. Murder, human trafficking, illegal drugs, money laundering, and of course the things he did for Franklin. How could the man who made such tender love to me be the same man that committed such heinous crimes? With each confession, he has asked for my forgiveness and promised that he was done with that life. Before he retires from the club, he’s going to make sure that they do things legitimately and give those young men a real chance at a better life.

My phone chimes with an incoming text, instantly bringing a broad smile to my face. I know that it’s Micah because he vowed to message me all morning and give me encouragement as I prepare for the conversation I need to have with Gideon. A comforting warmth courses through my body as I reflect on the last few weeks. Micah and I made several trips to Lightning Ridge needing solitude to sort out the mess from our pasts. The discussions delved into the darker aspects of his life and how he came to forgive himself. We always ended the night making love under the stars, fortifying the foundation we’re desperately trying to build.

All those years of living a complete lie quickly took a toll on me, and I needed a release. It didn’t necessarily have to be sexual but I needed freedom from the hold my sham of a life had on me. Had I heard this from anyone else, I’m not sure if I would’ve held myself together and I might’ve done something regretful. Micah spoke with a calmness that swept over me and held me together while I absorbed his words.

He is nowhere near innocent in this and he didn’t escape unscathed. Guilt has the ability to eat at you and make your life a living hell with no relief in sight. When he shared what he has endured over the years, it rendered me speechless. In that exact moment, forgiveness crept in permitting love to blossom in the space where fear drove me away from Micah. What made him finally break from the silent torture was the night that his men took Alise and Lizzie. Micah tried to get away through the front entrance of the Boobie Trap but Gideon’s men were waiting and took him hostage. He allowed Ephraim to torture him, causing excruciating pain with the scars to prove it. Knowing that my son could be so heartless doesn’t sit well with me but it’s all a part of the MC life.

By no means do I condone violence of any kind, but if you live that life, there will be times where you have to commit heinous violence against others without a conscious. Gideon never showed me that side of him, so hearing it from Micah had me seeing my son in a new light and realizing that not seeing people for what they truly were is what contributed to me living a lie. My rose-colored glasses blinded me and shrouded my reality in rainbows while I unknowingly shared a bed with a monster. The more I dwell on it, the more I wish I could somehow bring Franklin back to life and kill him myself.

Gideon and I are having an early dinner at MoMa’s. I’m fully aware that he will more than likely be angered by my forgiveness of Micah. However, if I’m willing to give Micah a chance at redemption then certainly he can. The very notion of someone taking another's life, especially someone they claimed to love, churns my stomach because, for the life of me, there’s no scenario I could fathom where someone would go that far. I sound like a broken record as Micah’s haunting words replay in my mind. Gideon harbors unresolved resentment toward Franklin and has yet to visit Franklin's grave, unlikeme, who was left with so many unanswered questions. In Gideon's eyes, Jake was more of a father than Franklin ever was, and he cherished their time together, feeling a unique connection. It seems Franklin's jealousy and Jake's discovery of his wrongdoing provided the perfect storm for murder.

I can’t help but wonder if Franklin had any regrets for his actions or if his soul was so lost that he remained indifferent. To an outsider, the roles might seem reversed, portraying Micah, the Devil’s MC president, as the monster and Franklin as the upright citizen. However, the stark contrast lies in Micah's capacity for guilt and remorse, unlike Franklin, who seemingly lived unaffected. It’s that difference that allowed me to have compassion and give a little grace to hear Micah’s side of things. Despite spending more years of my life with Franklin, my intimate knowledge of Micah paved the way for me to forgive him for his role in the events that led to Jake’s death.

MoMa’s is fairly quiet with about a dozen or so patrons dining early to avoid the dinner rush. The food is so good that people prefer to eat here than cooking at home. When I pull into the parking lot, I immediately spot Gideon’s large black Harley parked near the door. Opting for a space farther away, I intentionally grant myself a few moments to take deep breaths,mentally preparing for the potentially stressful conversation ahead. Rolling my shoulders, I pull the door open and to my delight my son greets me with a huge smile. Rising from his chair, he opens his arms and engulfs me in a huge warm hug. He’s obviously happy to see me but I know after I tell him about me and Micah, he won’t be thrilled.

“It’s so good to see you son!” I say, as he pulls my chair out for me like the gentleman he is.

“It’s good to see you too mom. It seems like forever since I last saw you. What have you been up to?”

“Well, before we get into that, how about we order dinner while you fill me in on how my daughter in-law and grandchildren are doing?” I suggest because I didn’t want to start this reunion with my news about Micah. It feels too heavy of a conversation to have when we’re both so light and happy to see one another. Besides, I’m starving and could use the time to gather my thoughts. When he agrees, I send up a silent prayer of thanks and open my menu. Gideon orders a cheeseburger and MoMa’s famous beer-battered steak fries while I order garlic butter steak bites, home fries, and a small side salad.

MoMa comes over to greet us and personally take our order. She gives me a hug and tells me she started taking Zumba at the local gym. We laugh as she tells us about her first class and how clumsy she felt but she insists that Lena and I join her for the next class. Before I can give her an answer, my phone vibrates and when I check the screen, it’s Micah sending dirty texts no doubt to help me relax. Giggling like a schoolgirl as I read the message, I’m embarrassed when I raise my head to find Gideon and MoMa staring at me with curiosity etched in their faces.

Turning my phone face down on the table, I dismiss their curious stares and tell MoMa that I’m sure Lena would love to go to a class and she can jot down the details before I leave. Shifting my attention to Gideon, I reopen the conversation abouthis family and he proceeds to update me on what they’ve all been up to. About ten minutes later, our food arrives and we continue talking while enjoying our meal. The way Gideon’s face lights up when he talks about his wife and children is uplifting. He looks so much like Jake and has a more relaxed demeanor now that things have settled down in Iron Forge. Placing my napkin on the table, MoMa comes over to clear our table and I rise to go to the ladies room. After telling MoMa how delicious my food was, I tell Gideon to order us two tumblers of Bardot's finest, promising to share everything once I get back.

Inside the restroom, I take my time using the facilities and refreshing my makeup. As I stare at my reflection in the mirror, an unmistakable glow of happiness surrounds me. I feel lighter than I have in a long time, and once I share all that Micah revealed with Gideon, I hope he sees that Micah brings joy into my life and deserves a chance to prove himself. I’ve contemplated various outcomes resulting from my revelation but at this point in my life, I’ve concluded that I will not allow Gideon to undermine my happiness. While I undeniably love my son, he has no right to dictate the course of my life. He has someone he loves and Alise reciprocates that love fiercely.

Witnessing the positive changes and tranquility she has brought into his life, I recognize that I deserve the same. If he fails to see that, then so be it. After giving myself a pep talk and taking a few deep breaths, I step out of the restroom. As our table comes into view, my steps slow, and it feels as if cement has solidified around my ankles. Gideon holds my phone in his hand, his eyes scanning the screen rapidly. As he looks my way, his nostrils flare, and the smile he had for me just moments before has been replaced by a scowl of pure rage. Pressing my palm against my chest, my heart slams into my ribs over and over as my body begins to tremor. This was not the way I wanted Gideon to find out about me and Micah. How could I have beenso careless to leave my phone on the table while I stepped away to the restroom? Darkness blurs the edge of my vision and my only desire is for the floor to open up and swallow me whole.



I’m not certain what Micah sent me in the text, but whatever it is has Gideon fuming, his glare sharp enough to cut through steel. The saying, “if looks could kill, I would be dead” resonates more than ever right now. Slowly approaching our table, I raise my hands in surrender, waving my white flag. Would the outcome had been different if I had the chance to tell him myself? Honestly, I don’t know.

“Gideon, please, let me explain,” I plead, needing him to see my regret over him finding out this way. Regardless of the outcome of this confrontation, it won’t dissuade me from pursuing my own happiness with Micah.

His eyes bore into mine, the veins in his neck pulsating with such intensity that they strain against his skin. My throat feels dry and my pulse quickens as he advances toward me like a lion stalking its prey.

“Why the fuck is Micah Nelson texting you a message about you being in his arms last night?” His tone more of an accusationthan a question as if I’m the child and he’s the parent. While I understand his anger, I will not tolerate him being disrespectful.

“Gideon, don’t you dare speak to me that way. I don’t care how upset you are, watch your tone when you talk to me!” I grit out attempting but failing not to draw attention to us. Curious glances and whispers have my cheeks reddening in embarrassment.

“You expect me to respect you when you’re fucking the man that killed Jake?!”

“Do I need to fetch my soap, or do you have the good sense that God gave you to apologize to your mama?” MoMa asks, hands on her hips ready for him to challenge her. MoMa is like a second mother to the Rebels and she’s helped them do some questionable things in the past. One thing that she’s known for is shoving a bar a soap in their mouths when they use profanity. It’s quite funny actually but they listen to her and respect her.

“This is none of your business MoMa. She’s sleeping with the enemy and keeping secrets just like that asshole father of mine.” Without missing a beat he asks,