Page 6 of Devil's Betrayal

The question makes me pause and reflect on Micah’s hands resting on my hips the way they used to when he pulled me to him. Memories of how he teased my flesh with gentle nips causing my flesh to heat with desire crash into me as my thighs clench with need. I’m almost breathless when I answer,

“Honestly, it was the most sensual kiss I’ve felt in a very long time. Soft but demanding and if I had let it go on longer, we wouldn’t be having lunch right now.”

“That good, huh?” She teases with a devilish smile.

“Stop embarrassing me,” I admonish with a smile as I gently kick her under the table.

This is what I love about Lena. She never passes judgment and I can talk to her about anything. She’s such a great listener that I find myself calling or visiting her several times a week.

We eat our meal in silence but my mind is a cluster fuck. I have a lot to think about, and truth be told I would give anything for things to be different. When I think back on all those years ago, I should’ve defied my parents and went to a local college. Micah and I could’ve authored our own story, lived our own lives, and created our very own happily ever after.



There she goes again leaving me in the dust knowing she wants this just as much as I do. The way I see it this is simple. Cami and I should be together enjoying our lives and settled into our happily ever after. Instead, she’s worried about what Gideon would think. Everything about her was familiar in that kiss. Having her in my arms again was more than what I could ever imagine. She was warm, a little curvier which is perfect, and her taste was just as delectable as it was all those years ago. No matter how long it takes, I will have her again… it’s just a matter of time.

Walking back down the hill, I lay on the grass next to Jake’s grave and stare up into the sky. This is the peace that I long for but with everything going on with Ezra, I’m not so sure that it will happen anytime soon.

“Hey Jake, it’s Micah. I hope you’re up there having a good day. My day started off a little iffy but it’s looking pretty goodnow. Camille was here not too long ago and she let me kiss her.” I say, laughing like a kid.

“She’s worried about what Gideon might think if she and I were to get back together. I told her that he’s a grown man and shouldn’t have any say in who she spends her life with. I’ve never stopped loving her and now that we’re both older, I believe we should give us a chance. Is it possible that we’re too different and this whole thing will blow up in our faces? Yes, but shouldn’t we at least try? There is no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with than her. If her parents had given us a chance, I may not have been so reckless with my life.

She was the one person that brought balance to my out-of-control existence. Always seeing the good in me despite how rough around the edges I am. Had we been together, I would’ve stayed by your side as your VP and been satisfied being Robin to your Batman. Everyone ain’t meant to be a leader and it shows in what my club has become under my leadership. One thing I know for sure is I wouldn’t have betrayed you. You were a good man and I will never forgive myself for what I did to you, Jake. I’ve found some sense of peace because I know you would’ve forgiven me. That’s the kind of person you were and you didn’t deserve my betrayal. I know that I’ve said it a hundred times but I’m sorry, old friend.”

Bowing my head, I close my eyes and envision my words reaching Jake’s ears as they carry on the cool breeze to the heavens. Franklin wanted his secrets hidden from his perfect life and I helped him keep them. Jake’s discovery of everything that Franklin had his hands in led to his untimely demise. The fact that I didn’t question Franklin about what he wanted the Devils to execute shows what a heartless bastard I was. Guilt settled in my chest when I left his house that day but it didn’t stop me from doing Franklin’s dirty work. The person I was then didn’t deserve Camille’s love and it was easy to have an assembly lineof women warming my bed. But, truth be told, I haven’t had a woman’s touch in the last two years knowing that I would pursue the love of my life. This was a test of my manhood and my devotion to the first and only woman I’ve ever loved.

It was only after our last run in with the Rebels and ultimately working with them, that I began to see how I needed to change. Nothing good has come out of the way I ran the Devils all these years and it’s time to turn things around before it bites us in the ass. Ezra has one more chance and Zeke is teetering on the fence of being stripped. I can’t imagine not passing the torch to my son but if he continues on this path I have no problem choosing my club over him.

At some point I’ll have to talk to Eagle about my relationship with Camille. Until then, I’ll do my best to show her that we belong together.

It’s early afternoon and all I want to do is kick back with an ice-cold beer and grill the ribeye steak I’ve had marinating all day. That goes out the window when I pull into my driveway and Ezra is leaning against his bike no doubt waiting for me. Cutting the engine I make my way through the garage and into the kitchen while he silently follows. His energy is heated and I’m not in the mood for a confrontation but if he wants one, I’llgive him a reality check and let him know just how much he’s fucking up.

Grabbing two beers from the fridge, I pop the tops and hand him one waiting for him to speak. There’s no need for me to start this conversation because I already know what he wants to know and I have no problem telling him exactly why I’m considering passing on him as president of the Devils. Taking out the steaks, I unwrap them and place them on the counter to get them warmed up to room temperature. It’s a little trick Templar taught me to make the perfect steak. Gesturing him to have a seat, I sit on the opposite side of the table and wait for him to begin.

“Help me understand, dad,” He starts off and I’m surprised at his choice of words because he hasn’t called me dad since he became a Devil. It was always Prez.

“What is it that you don’t understand?” I question because I’ve explained this to him time and time again. He just wasn’t listening.

“Why Hammer? Why would you choose him over me? I’m your son and I earned the right to take over the Devils when you retire.”

“Is that so?”

He hesitates for a fraction of a second and then answers,

“Yes, that is so!”

“What exactly have you done to earn the title and the privilege of leading the Devil’s Inferno, son?” The question lingers in the air as he grows silent but I’m not giving him a pass on answering. He needs to tell me why he thinks he’s earned anything when it comes to the Devils. He has been a pain in my ass more than the Rebels have been. I’m partially to blame because I raised him but, the saying goes, when you know better, you do better. When I retire, I want to do so in peace and with a clear conscience. There’s only one way I see that happeningand that is guiding the Devils on a path that makes me proud and gives them all a sense of belonging. Something that humbles them and causes them to change their ways.

“Mainly because I’m your legacy and it wouldn’t look too good for someone else to take over.”

“You are my legacy but with that comes responsibility and you haven’t shown me that you can handle everything that it takes to lead the Devils into its next phase. The Rebels…”

“Fuck the Rebels!” He shouts in anger as he slams the beer down on the table. And there it is. The anger, the reckless attitude and short temper.

“This is exactly why I’m considering someone else. You have no respect for my authority and decision making. When your president can admit that he’s made mistakes and lead the club down a path of destruction, that’s your cue to fall in line and follow his lead. You and Zeke have gotten us in more trouble than I care to admit and I’m not about to let you run what I’ve built into the ground.”

“We’ve made the club more money than it’s had in years!”