Page 3 of Rebel Vengeance

Now as I sit at my vanity, staring into my own sparkling, green eyes, I realize I’m no longer a stranger to myself. I know this woman. She’s resilient, she’s strong, and she is loved. Janie steams the wrinkles out of my dress while Peyton, my friend and owner of the local salon, Curl Me Crazy, styles my hair. She agreed to come to my home knowing how hectic today would be. With my long, thick tresses, Peyton created a flurry of bouncy waves that flowed down my back with corkscrew curls at my temples. Normally, I wear my hair short, but when I was pregnant with Harper, my hair grew to its natural long length. It’s still curly, but the curls are more relaxed because of the length. One day when I told Ephraim I was heading to see Peyton for a haircut, he forbade it. He loves running his fingers through my hair and in his words, “I love wrapping your ponytail around my fist, while I fuck you” are his top reasons. Who am I to deny him?

“How have you been Peyton? I’m sorry I haven’t been by to see you. I’ve just been so busy with planning the wedding,” I ask as she puts the finishing touches on my hair.

“I’ve been doing okay. Things at the shop have picked up, so I had to hire two new stylists. I wasn’t expecting to have as many clients as we do, but it’s been really busy.”

“Will you be able to make it to the ceremony tonight?”

“Yes. Thankfully, I won’t have to close early. The new stylists are able to handle things when I’m not there. Plus, I wouldn’t miss your wedding for the world. I’m so happy for you both, Lizzie.”

“Thank you, Pey. That means a lot,” I reply with tears threatening to spill and ruin the makeup I just applied.

“You deserve every bit of happiness coming your way. You both have been through so much to get here and I can’t think of two people more perfect for each other than you and Torch.”

Her last words have the tears that have been threatening to fall, spilling over as I rise to give her a hug. There’s so much gratitude in my embrace that I don’t have to say the words. She knows my story and knows everything that happened before I got pregnant with Harper. I’ve spent many days in her chair at the shop spilling my guts in what is the equivalent of therapy. Peyton is a great listener, never judging and she gives great advice at just the right time. While I love talking to MoMa, who has infinite wisdom, having someone closer to my age to talk to has been good for me. In my teens, I was a social butterfly; and I’ve always loved having friends. When I first moved to Iron Forge, I was a recluse, shying away from close relationships. Now, I have several friends and we’ve grown so close that we have girl nights, spa days, and shopping sprees.

Today, they’ll all be here to support me and witness me marry the man of my dreams. They will celebrate with us and share in our union. This will surely be a day to remember.



Loading Saint up in my truck, we head to the guest house on my property to meet up with the rest of the guys. Gideon, aka Eagle will stand next to me as I finally marry the woman that changed my life. Although I would love to have all of my Rebel Souls brothers stand by my side, Lizzie only has Syra standing with her. Syra is a dancer at the Boobie Trap and one of Lizzie’s closest friends. When Syra was being stalked by Zeke, a member of our rival MC, Devil’s Inferno, Lizzie was there to help her and keep her safe. My girl stood up to Zeke despite her small stature and would not allow him to intimidate or hurt Syra. Zeke is responsible for the scars that decorate my soon-to-be wife’s skin.

When she and Eagle’s wife, Alise, were kidnapped by the Devil’s Inferno, he beat Lizzie so severely that she almost died. He left his mark on her and for that he will pay. The only reason he hasn’t so far is because of the temporary truce between the Rebels and the Devils. So much shit has happened in the last few years that Micah, the president of the Devils, and Eagle declared a truce so that they could deal with their respective clubs. Lizzie spent several weeks in the hospital after that and I never left her side. It was then that I knew she was mine. The ache I felt in my heart while watching over her through her recovery lives in my soul. Flashes of her broken body still haunt me and it’s caused me to be overprotective of her. I can tell that she’s annoyed with me at times but I would rather irritate her for the rest of her life if it meant keeping her safe. Even now, years later, my heart twists like a vice and my mind produces the most graphic images as I think of that moment in time. I shudder.

It was difficult to see through the murkiness of our pasts to what we could be together. Being a veteran with PTSD took its toll on me when I retired from the military. The carnage I’ve seen has scarred me for life and before Lizzie, I refused to invite the possibility of love into my life. Fear would grip me every time my phone would ring, instinctively bracing myself for news that someone I love had died. Although I know you can’t live life expecting bad things to happen, I let it cripple me and close me off from relationships. Lizzie changed all of that for me. Her soul called to mine and I couldn’t stay away. The fight I put up was pathetic because in the end, we needed each other. No one could understand us and what we need to exist. Now look at us, about to be married and parents to the most beautiful little girl.

Harper has me wrapped around her little finger and I wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s very curious and fearless. Getting into all sorts of things with Saint chasing behind her. He even looks exhausted after he stops her from doing things that she shouldn’t be doing. Pulling up, I notice the MC’s SUV parked in the driveway. Just as I open the door for Saint, Eagle comes out and Saint leaps from the back, charging toward him. At ninety-five pounds, he almost knocks Eagle off of his feet as he barrels into him. There’s no use telling him to stop because Eagle is family and Saint loves him.

“Is it me or has he gotten heavier?” Eagle asks, as he recovers from the impact.

“No, it’s not you. He’s gotten heavier because a certain young lady shares all of her food with him. I’ve had to start putting him in the yard while she eats,” I answer, laughing at Saint’s excitement.

“Jacob’s been stashing his food and feeding it to the stray cats that get in the compound. We can’t get rid of them now.” He laughs, sharing a similar story about his son.

“I guess they’re just at that age where they just want to share everything but I’m sure that’ll change when they get older.”

“I’m sure it will,” he quips.

After a few brotherly slaps on the shoulder and dislodging Saint, we head into the house. The rest of the guys are enjoying a few beers while getting ready for the ceremony. Although my property is private, meaning way off the main road, it’s not completely fenced in. I’m not worried about any uninvited guests, but just in case, Krack, Digger, Knight, and our Prospect, Frank will be standing guard. All of these men are my brothers. We’ve gone through a lot in the last few years and I’m humbled at the love and respect they have for my girls.

The ceremony is starting in about an hour and I just received a text that our guests are being escorted up to Lightning Ridge where the ceremony is taking place. A few of the trails around our property lead to the top of the mountain. You can see all of Iron Forge from the peak and it’s befitting that we chose this place for our wedding. We’ve gone on many hikes up there to clear our heads after a rough night. Lizzie has poured her heart out to me about her life before Iron Forge. I’m in awe of her every time I think about her gathering the strength to escape her captor and creating a new life for herself. My woman is a badass and I can’t wait to make her my wife.

The sun sits low as I stand at the altar waiting for my bride. We decided that this would be a “wear whatever makes you comfortable” event. Our enforcer, Kendrich aka Chains sits off to the side playing music on his guitar. Chains came to us from the Rebel Souls Nevada Chapter. The Nevada Chapter came to Iron Forge five years ago to help us rescue some women that had been taken by the Devils. Kendrich transferred to Iron Forge because he needed a change after his brother died. There were too many memories in Nevada and he was having trouble coping with the loss.

While here, he spoke with Eagle and his Prez, Mason, about transferring to Iron Forge. They both agreed to allow the change and the only stipulation was for the first year, he had to check in with Nevada to make sure the transition was smooth. He fell right in with the brothers and he has become one of my closest friends. Soft voices interrupt my thoughts as I turn to see Harper and Jacob making their way down the aisle. My baby girl looks adorable in her teal-colored dress and pink halo of flowers. She tosses flowers from side to side as Jacob holds the basket for her.

Pride swells in my chest as Harper walks towards me. When she finally reaches me, she loudly whispers,

“Daddy, did I do a good job?”

“You did perfect, Nugget,” I answer as a chorus of “awes” comes from the guests. After kissing her on the cheek, Eagle bends down and high-fives them both before sending them over to his mother.


Looking across at my father, it hits me all at once that he doesn’t know me. While I’m grateful that my family is here, it has taken them time to get to know the woman that I’ve become. I’ve dreamed of this day for as long as I can remember, but I didn’t expect my life to take such a tragic turn. Had I not been taken all those years ago, I’m sure I would be a different woman living a very different life. Despite his disdain for motorcycle clubs, which he unfairly labels as a bunch of misfits that are always up to no good, he looks at me with such love that it brings tears to my eyes.

My dress is simple, but the minute I saw it, I knew it was the one. Sleeveless with a Cinderella divine cut, the light teal dress is form fitting with a small dark teal bow that sits low on my back. The floor length dress with a daisy overlay skirt is perfect for today. Since we’re on grass, I chose ballerina slippers that are hidden underneath my dress because high heels would sink into the soft dirt. My bouquet consists of teal accented calla lilies, tiger lilies, and ivory roses. I suppose, just for today, I look like the woman my parents dreamed of me becoming and just for today, I’ll bend a little and allow them to dote on me. Saint and Janie precede us down the aisle. He’s laser focused on his task. We practiced with him several times and Janie has a nice treat waiting for him after they take their seat. When they’re a few feet from the altar, my father reaches for my hand to tuck under his elbow, indicating that it’s finally our turn. A single tear slips down my cheek knowing that I’m about to become Mrs. Ephraim Phillips.