Page 1 of Rebel Vengeance



The blazing sun sits high in the sky as its warmth heats my skin. Saint’s huge muzzle is sprawled across my swollen belly, protective of Harper before she’s even here. Our giant Cane Corso has been my constant companion as of late, never leaving my side and annoying the hell out of Ephraim. It’s as if he knows she’s going to arrive any day now, piercing me with those inquisitive red eyes every time I move. It’s a hot, late August day in Iron Forge. The sky is a brilliant shade of baby blue as a few white fluffy clouds hang low, casting shadows across the valley below. Ephraim and I decided to have a picnic and relax before our baby girl is born. The clean mountain air has been a godsend for me and my growing munchkin. This baby has Ephraim’s feistiness and Saint loves to feel her kicks against his face. Every time her little foot or an elbow floats across my belly, Saint whines and lets out a low bark. It’s as if he’s preparing himself for a lifetime of Harper’s loveable aggression before she arrives.

“Oh shit,” I exclaim as a warm sensation spreads beneath me.

“What’s wrong?” Ephraim asks, as he looks at me in alarm. For the past few weeks, he’s been on high alert, reacting with a sense of urgency to every sound I make.

“I think my water just broke.”

I’m surprisingly calm as I roll over onto all fours to get up from the soft blanket I was relaxing on. Ephraim immediately stands before me, grabs my hands, and helps me up. Walking the trails today has caused me to go into labor because the first pain hits as I get my bearings. I’ve been walking them almost every day to help prepare me for childbirth. My baby girl has been very active, but every time I walk the trails, she settles down and enjoys the ride. I’ve been down this road before, except the first time, things were different. There was no happy ending. The only thing I remember is indescribable pain and lots of blood as my lifeless infant was taken away. If only I could’ve seen him just once, to let him know that I loved him. To let him know that I wanted him despite the tragic way he was conceived.

It's one of the many nightmares that still haunt me. Although they’re not as frequent, the night terrors are still there, invading my happiness and each time Ephraim is there to comfort me. I’ve shared a lot of the details of when I was sex trafficked with him and never once has he judged me or made me feel ashamed. I was so delirious from the drugs I was given that I can hardly recall anything from that day. All I remember is never saying goodbye to the tiny baby that I grew to love. This pregnancy experience has been different. I received the care that I needed and love has been showered over me from both of my guys. Harper is already loved so much and I can’t wait to hold my baby girl in my arms. Nothing like before where some seedy back-alley doctor looked after me just to make sure I would survive the whole thing.

Grabbing onto his shoulders, I rest against Ephraim’s chest as he rubs my back. Although the pain is tolerable, Harper is so low in my belly that it feels as if she’s going to come out any moment. Ephraim’s voice is soothing as he speaks words of encouragement to me. I knew that he would be calm when the time came. Childbirth is unpredictable and even with the best laid plans, things can change in an instant, however Ephraim has done his homework when it comes to having babies. We’ve watched so many videos that he swears he could deliver Harper himself. Once the pain subsides, we take the path nice and slow back to our home. Saint walks ahead, looking back every few minutes to make sure we’re following. Ephraim takes his phone out to call his sister Janie. She’s taking care of Saint while we’re at the hospital.

The next call he makes is to our doctor who said she will meet us at the hospital. The birth plan was in place the moment our doctor confirmed the pregnancy. We converted one of our guest bedrooms into a nursery and baby proofed the house from top to bottom. Ephraim has made sure that we’re more than prepared and I’m pretty sure he’s purchased every baby gadget on the market. Janie pulls up just as we reach the top of the stairs and a contraction hits so hard that it knocks the breath out of me. In a split second, the birthing plan is out the window because this baby is coming now!

“Ephraim, she’s coming!” I scream because the pain is not so tolerable now.

“What do you mean, she’s coming?”

Taking his hand, I guide it underneath my summer dress to feel and confirm what I know is Harper’s head pushing through. Excitement, fear, and adrenaline course through me as another contraction hits.

“Janie! Come and help me get Lizzie to the bed!” Ephraim urgently orders as Saint starts barking and running in circles.

Grabbing me under both arms, we maneuver our way to the bedroom as carefully as possible. The excruciating contractions are coming on top of each other and I know without a doubt that Harper will make her entrance into the world right here in our home. Taking out his phone again, Ephriam dials 911 and puts the phone on speaker.

“911, what is your emergency?”

“Yes, this is Ephraim Phillips and I need an ambulance to 15202 Valley View Drive. My fiancé, Lizzie’s, water broke and the baby is coming.”

“Okay Sir, I have a unit on the way. How far apart are the contractions?”

“They’re coming fast and I can feel the top of the baby’s head.”

“Okay, grab a few clean towels, a bowl of warm water, and a shoestring to tie off the umbilical cord.”

Janie runs to get everything we need. I can’t believe this is happening at home. This was not part of the plan. We were supposed to be at the hospital with a doctor and nurses there to assist. Just as quickly as I start to panic from recalling my past, I stare into Ephraim’s eyes as he follows the instructions of the 911 operator and all I see is love and determination. He pushes my dress up and over my belly as Janie places several pillows behind me. I feel as though I have no control as the contractions intensify. I struggle to use the breathing techniques I learned in Lamaze class, but I can’t seem to focus through the pain. Finally my breaths come slow and steady as I find my rhythm but the urge to push is so overwhelming that my legs start to shake from the intensity.

Freeing me of my panties, his eyes go wide at the sight between my legs.

“I need to push!” I yell as the 911 operator continues to give him instructions. The only thing that matters is getting Harper out safely so I focus on Ephraim and do everything he says.

“Okay, baby. I need you to push.”

I’m already there as I bear down and give it my all. An energy like I’ve never felt courses through my body and when another contraction comes within seconds of the last, I bear down again without instruction.

“Oh my God! Her head is out!” Ephraim exclaims with excitement. Even with my eyes closed, I can sense the brilliant smile on his face.

“Good. Gently rotate the head to the left and when you see the shoulders, rotate them gently as well. You’re doing good Mr. Phillips.”

“Okay. Now what?”

“Lizzie. On the next contraction, I need you to push hard and help the baby the rest of the way.”

She doesn’t have to ask because the contractions are fast and unrelenting. With Janie holding me steady, I bear down one more time, pushing with such vigor that I feel dizzy. The last of my energy leaves as I fall back on the pillows and close my eyes. The 911 operator continues to give Ephraim instructions, but the only thing I hear is the booming of my heart thundering in my ears. Janie’s tears tap my face as she wipes my forehead with a cool washcloth. “God, please. Not again.” I pray to myself as the silence becomes too much. An overwhelming sense of dread washes over me as my nerves get the best of me.