Page 19 of Rebel Vengeance

“Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry this happened. I know there’s nothing I can do, but I’m here for whatever you need,” Alise says as she consoles me and holds my hair back from my face. She’s been like a sister to me over the years and I’m lucky to have her. Speaking of sisters, I’m dreading calling my family to tell them what happened. It would only bring some sort of validation to what my father said to me when they were here celebrating our wedding with us. My father wanted me to leave this life and move back to California. Even with everything that’s happened, what my father fails to understand is that if I had gone home with them, memories of being taken would’ve flooded my brain, making it difficult for me to function and live a full life.

Because he never wanted to talk about what happened to me, he doesn’t know about the severe PTSD I experienced. Sure, he would’ve sent me to the best counselors for therapy, but more than likely, they would’ve given me drugs to keep me numb, and feeling like a zombie so I wouldn’t recall anything. Here, in Iron Forge, I faced my past head on and was able to overcome and live a full life. Was it all just a pipe dream? A beautiful life filled with a happiness that no one could touch. A dream that nothing and no one could shatter because it was all so perfect. Once we get Harper back, and I know we’ll get her back, I will never take our happiness for granted. Every moment will be lived as if it were our last because life can be cruel and tragedy can strike even when you take precautions.

“Why don’t you get some rest while the girls and I make dinner? You need some food to get your strength back,” Alise suggests as she helps me to the bed.

“I’m not sure if my stomach can handle anything heavy right now,” I tell her as my tummy roils again.

“I’ll make you some soup while Holly and Milly make food for the guys. How does that sound?”

“That would be good and do you mind making me some tea? My stomach doesn’t seem to want to settle.”

“Of course, sweetie, whatever you want. I’ll bring you some dry toast as well.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she replies as she exits the room, pulling the door closed.

I’ve delayed the inevitable long enough, I think to myself as I reach for my purse to grab my cell phone. Just as I’m about to pull up my mother’s number, an incoming text stops me from completing the call. The words“if you want to see your daughter alive”display on the preview screen and I hurriedly click on the words to read the full text.“If you want to see your daughter alive, come alone to 15993 Magnolia Ct. in Grants Pass. Your daughter’s life depends on it.”

Anxiety races through my veins as my heart jumps into my throat. The text is from an unknown number so I have no clue who this could be and why they would take my daughter. Should I go tell E about the text or risk something happening to Harper? Without knowing who this person is, how do I know that I’m not walking into a trap? There’s only one way to find out and I’m not willing to take any chances with Harper’s life. I have no choice but to go to the address alone. My emotions are a mix of fear, sadness, and joy. Besides, my phone is equipped with GPS and I know E will be able to track me, I just need a head start.

Quietly shutting the door, I make my way down the stairs being careful not to make any noise. My heart races as the stairs creak beneath my feet as I finally make it to the bottom landing. Peeking around the corner, I observe my girls cooking away, preparing dinner for everyone. My body aches with each movement as I tiptoe past the threshold of the kitchen. The living area is vacant as I make my way through, being careful not to make a sound. Just on the other side of the far wall, my husband along with the Rebels and the Devils are devising a plan to rescue our daughter. Their voices resonate through the barrier reminding me that I’m not alone in this. Thunderclouds of doubt move in as I pause in the foyer and contemplate knocking on the door to where the guys are having church. My conscience is divided as I wrestle with this decision. Everything in me says to let them know about the text so that Gearhead could try to locate the sender, but a phantom voice resounds in my head, reminding me that I’m supposed to come alone.

There is no gray area here and ultimately the decision has already been made for me. Grabbing the keys hanging on the hook by the door, I take one last look at the room where the guys are and waiting for that little voice to tell me that I’m making the wrong choice. Love, in any given situation, always win and my love for Harper wills my feet to move. Slowly opening the door, I pull it closed and make my way to the SUV. Settling into the seat, I take a deep breath to calm my frazzled nerves and place the key into the ignition. Closing my eyes, I send up a small prayer, hoping that no one hears the roar of the engine. Rummaging through my purse, my fingers brush across my trusty pink Glock and I check it to make sure it’s loaded. I easily pass through the gate knowing that everyone is too occupied to notice me on the cameras. As I set off down the road, I hope against hope that this night will end with Harper back home where she belongs.



The streets of Iron Forge are quiet, a stark contrast to what happened earlier. Over and over the sight of Harper being taken flashes through my mind. And if I had to describe what I’m feeling, it would be sorrow. I hate to imagine it, but as a person who has stared the devil in the face, I can’t help but think of life without her. Our home would feel empty without her laughter and sound of her feet as she chases Saint. We would have to move and rebuild our lives elsewhere. Would we even survive something like that? Are Ephraim and I strong enough to withstand the loss of our daughter? I would like to think, yes, but I’ve read about couples breaking apart because they’re so caught up in their own grief that they have nothing left to give to each other. The idea of that makes my stomach churn as I swallow the bile threatening to erupt. Vomiting would only make this situation worse so I take slow deep breaths to calm myself.

What the fuck am I doing? I have to believe that our baby girl is okay. Today is not the end of our happily ever after and today will end with us getting Harper back. Looking in the rearview mirror as I leave the city limits of Iron Forge, I pray that I’m doing the right thing and that whoever has my daughter hasn’t harmed her. Pushing the negative thoughts away, I flood my mind with images of happier times. Images that fuel me with the strength I need to fight for her … fight for our family. I'm not a victim, I’m a survivor and this is just a bump in the road of our journey to happily ever after. Ephraim and I have walked through fire to overcome our pasts and no one has the right to take that from us.

The moon casts just enough light for me to see the shadows of the trees and with no streetlights, I have to drive slowly to see the street signs. The area is much like the roads that lead to the Rebels compound. Dark and secluded so as to not give away their location. When I pull up to the corner of the last turn I put the SUV in park and grab my phone to text Alise. She’s going to be so mad at me, but as a mother, I’m sure she would’ve done the same thing. Locating her number, I open the text screen, forward her the text I received earlier and apologize for sneaking out on her. Although Gearhead can track my phone, I’m not sure it will give them an exact location. My phone immediately rings and I contemplate answering it because I don’t want her to try to talk me into waiting for the guys. The text said to come alone and I’m not willing to risk never seeing Harper again. My hands are shaking and dripping with nervous sweat as I press the green button to answer the call.

“What the fuck are you doing?” She yells as soon as I say hello.

“Alise, please don’t be angry. I had to do this. You saw the text and I had no choice,” I reply trying to plead my case.

“You’re in no condition to do this by yourself! Why would you do this, Lizzie?”

The anguish in her voice makes me pause and I ask her a question that will tell me whether or not I’m doing the right thing.

“If this were JJ, what would you do?”

The question is unfair because it’s hypothetical and although she loves Harper, she doesn’t feel my pain. She can’t possibly imagine what Ephraim and I are going through, but she can put herself in my position and answer me honestly. After a minute, she finally replies,

“I would do what it takes to save him, but that doesn’t make this right, Lizzie.”

“No it doesn’t, but it gives Harper the best chance of surviving this.”

“You know I have to show this to Eagle and Torch, right?”

“I know, I wouldn’t expect anything different,” I say and disconnect the call.

She tries to call me back, but I switch my phone to silent and put it in the glove compartment not needing any further distractions. My head needs to be clear and the more I listen to her voice, the more I question what I’m doing. Reaching in my purse, I grab my gun and ankle holster, securing it tightly under my jeans. I’m hoping they don’t search me because when I get the opportunity, I won’t hesitate to pull the trigger after I ensure my baby girl is safe. My heart rate increases as I start the SUV and slowly make my way to the address on my GPS. Turning into the driveway, I turn on the high beams because the property is shrouded in darkness. Tall grass lines the sides obscuring my vision further. Whoever this person is purposely chose this place because no one would look for anyone here. The only thing I can tell is that I’m driving up a long curvy hill. At long last, the house comes into view and there’s a few lights on in various rooms.

Reaching the final circle of the driveway, a motion light suddenly comes on and it’s then that I notice several men come out of nowhere and surround my vehicle. One checks the seats behind me and another cups his hand on the rear window to peer into the back, no doubt making sure that I’m alone. The men are huge and my bravery falters a little, making me doubt myself. I don’t have time to think as the one who looked in the back comes around to my side and opens my door, ordering me out. When I hesitate, he reaches in, unbuckles my seatbelt, and snatches me from the vehicle. Pain shoots through my arm as I’m practically dragged up the stairs and into the house. Once inside, I lose my footing and when I instinctively reach out my free hand to catch myself, I realize my mistake too late. Even with the protection of the cast, blinding pain snakes up my arm causing a wave of nausea to roll through my stomach.