Page 11 of Rebel Vengeance

“Aren’t you coming?”

“Nah, I have something to do in the basement. Why don’t you join me after you put baby girl to bed?” It was more of a suggestion than a question so I just nod my head and continue on into the family room. We decided to watch 101 Dalmatians because it’s one of Saint’s favorite movies. He lays in his bed next to the table and watches the entire movie. He growls when Cruella is present and barks when all the puppies make their appearance. He just has his own personality and fits our family perfectly.

It doesn’t take long for Harper to fall asleep. I thought for sure that the cake pop would give her a boost, but Ephraim told me earlier on the phone that she didn’t take a nap. They played in the yard most of the day which always wears her out. When the credits roll, I scoop her up and head to her room. Saint follows and sits next to the bed as I change her into her pajamas and tuck her in. After kissing her on the cheek, Saint leaps onto the bed at her feet and settles in. Giving him a rub and kiss on the head, I pull the door slightly closed and make my way to the basement. Ephraim was so angry that he barely spoke to me. I can only imagine what he has planned for me.



My anger has barely subsided when I hear the door to the basement open and close. Walking over to the dresser, I turn on Harper’s baby monitor, making sure we can hear her and Saint while we’re down here. My lovely wife enters the room and shuts the door, looking as if she’s ready to explain herself, but it doesn’t matter. She could’ve gotten hurt today and chose to not tell me she was being followed. We built this room off of the theater room to have a space to play. We even have a St. Andrews Cross that I plan to use tonight for her disobedience. Although my punishments end in pleasure, what happens leading up to them is pure torture for Lizzie.

“Ephraim. Please, let me explain.”

“You believe you have an explanation for what happened today?”

“I didn’t want to worry you.”

“You didn’t want to worry me, so you completely ignored the fact that you saw the same SUV in multiple places, tore out of the parking lot at Starbucks, and almost lost Nitro. Who, by the way, could’ve been killed?”

“When you put it like that, it sounds bad, but I’m fine and no one was hurt.”

“Lizzie, you know that Zeke is a threat right now and you chose to take matters into your own hands like pretending an SUV didn’t tail you all day and whoever was in there could’ve hurt you.”


“Take off your clothes… now! I told you what would happen if Nitro reported anything to me.”

“But I wasn’t in…”

Clothes… Off… Now!” I grit through my teeth. Although I revel in the pleasure of punishing her, it’s sweet and slow torture.

I’m probably scaring her right now, but I don’t care. She needs to understand the importance of communicating with me. The thought of anything happening to her has me going out of my mind right now. After what happened to her all those years ago, Lizzie should know better. She and Harper mean everything to me and I won’t rest until this threat is eliminated.


Well Lizzie, you’ve managed to make your husband so furious that you can see the vein at his temple pulse with anger. Don’t get me wrong, my husband would never physically hurt me, but the torture he delivers by delaying orgasm, is just as bad. Moving toward him slowly, I remove my clothes and stand before him. Naked, vulnerable, not knowing how far he’s going to take this. A mixture of fear and excitement course through me as he takes me by the hand and walks us to the far wall where the St. Andrew’s Cross stands. The sound of my blood rushing through my veins thunders in my ears as he secures my ankles and wrists facing the cross. The leather cuffs feel comforting against my hot skin as he places a blindfold over my eyes. The chains rattle as I begin to shake, but it’s not from fear, it’s from anticipation and I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.

I shudder as he rains wet kisses over my skin, lingering on my most sensitive spots that he knows oh so well. This is where it all starts… where my body starts to heat and vibrate with so much need that my orgasm begins to build from the slightest touch. The reason this is torture is because it builds slowly as if E controls its pace. Minutes stretch as he kisses a trail along my back down over my ass, biting and nipping at my flesh. The unfairness of not allowing me to touch him drives my need to new heights.

“You could’ve been hurt today, my little flame,” he whispers as he runs his tongue over my sex from behind. I’m so far gone that I didn’t notice him spread my ass cheeks apart. The only thing I felt was the heat from his breath and wetness from his tongue as he licked along my slit. My pussy aches and pulses with every pass of his tongue. When I get close to coming, he stops his assault, allows my body to come down, and then starts all over again. I pull at the chains needing relief from this torture. It’s so bad but oh so good. A loud smack echoes off the walls as his hand connects to my flesh. Over and over, he laps at my sex and delivers the most delicious pain with his hand.

“Ephraim, please let me come. I promise I will tell you if I’m ever in danger again. Just, please let me come.” The words come out in a harsh whisper. My breath escapes me as I’m slowly losing control of my senses.

“That’s it little flame, beg me so I can deny you longer. You need to face the consequences of your actions. I will determine when you’ve had enough and learned your lesson,” he taunts as he rises and enters me. My head falls back against his shoulder as he slowly pumps in and out of my pussy, knowing very well that I need him to go faster. My orgasm seems to run away from me as I chase it, creating further distance between me and pure ecstasy.

“You’re so close aren’t you, baby?” He teases in a harsh whisper as he briefly picks up the pace, driving me closer to the edge. My sanity is teetering on the cliff, waiting for me to take that dive. Just when I’m about to let go, he slows his pace and brings me right back down. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take. Sweat pours down my back as his relentless punishment takes me over. My sanity is replaced by a total state of delirium, every nerve ending firing off from every touch. I want to beg him to stop but at the same time, beg him to never stop. His calloused hands create the perfect friction as he kneads my breasts, pinching my nipples just hard enough for me to gasp at the sensation.

My legs begin to tremble as my body silently begs for mercy. I’m not sure I can hold on much longer. Reaching down, he rubs my clit as he begins to pound into me. It feels as if I’m a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

“Be a good girl and come for me,” he commands as the heat from his whisper fuels me. The orgasm detonates within causing my body to convulse as uncontrollable spasms pulse through every fiber of my being. Ephraim picks up the pace even more when his own release overtakes him. The battlefield is now equal as we both give in to the explosion of sensation coursing through our bodies. This is the part I love. Loud moans and chants of “yes” over and over again. His body slumping against mine, holding onto me as if I’m his lifeline. The quickening of his breath as its warmth skates across my sensitive skin. The soft kisses to my shoulder as he tells me he loves me. This right here makes the punishment worth it.

“I don’t care if you don’t like the way someone is looking at you, you call me and let me know every time you think something isn’t right. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,” I answer as he uncuffs me from the cross and scoops me up in his arms. I burrow further into him as he walks us to the bed and lays me down.

“Let’s get you cleaned up so we can go upstairs. I don’t want to leave Harper and Saint alone all night.”

“Do you really believe Zeke is crazy enough to hurt one of us?” I ask in concern as he goes to the bathroom to grab a towel. I’ve never known E to take any of Zeke’s threats seriously, but this time feels different.