Stellan and I share a look before we climb out after him.

“You seem really calm for somebody who was freaking out a couple minutes ago,” Stellan whispers to me as we follow Venali through an arched wooden door.

“It’s because of the magic,” I say, trying to find the words to explain it. “It must be an elf thing, but it’s like when I connected my magic with Venali. I knew I could trust him and I know that I can trust whatever we find here.”

I can tell from his emotions that Stellan isn’t convinced, but he has confidence in me. I’m so glad he’s willing to go along with this. I know he’s only doing it for me.

We clasp hands as Venali leads us through a maze of long, well lit hallways. Even though the outside of the castle looks like something straight from medieval times, the inside is surprisingly modern. It’s actually similar to the estate, except the decor is darker.

The path that Venali leads us on I know I’ll never be able to remember. We take so many turns that I get lost right away. Eventually, he comes to a stop outside a set of double doors. He knocks on it and shoots a grin over his shoulder at me. When the doors open, I expect to see our grandfather, but the man on the other side is young—probably somewhere between Venali and me in age. When hesees Venali, he bows deeply, but he freezes mid bow when he sees me.

Copper eyes latch onto me, his eyebrow creasing and his jaw dropping open as he stares at me. I shift uncomfortably, wondering why he’s staring.

“Cyran, I believe Grandfather is waiting for us.” Venali smirks, clearly amused by the guy’s reaction.

Still, he doesn’t look away from me. I hear a low growl to my left. The guy snaps his gaze from me to Stellan. He clears his throat and backs up.

“Right, please come in.” He opens the door wide enough for the three of us to come in.

I walk inside, keeping my hand in Stellan’s. I freeze when we walk into the room and find it full of people.


All of these people are elves.

I swallow hard, forcing myself to mask my emotions.

Venali clears his throat loudly, getting the attention of the room. Slowly, everybody turns to look and each one of their gazes latch onto me. My heart thumps faster at the attention, and the only thing that keeps me from hiding behind my husband is years of practice. I spent twenty two years under the careful scrutiny of fae court. If I can handle that, I can handle this.

“Who is she?” The guy who opened the door for us asks. Venali called him Cyran, so I can only assume that’s his name.

I hear feet shuffling and I look up to see an older elf walking toward me. His hair is the exact same shade of silverly blond as Venali, though he has a few lighter streaks throughout it. His eyes are what stand out—they’re the exact same shade of purple as mine. The sight has me gasping.

“Wisteria?” the older guy asks.

“Yes.” I chew on my bottom lip.

He comes to a stop in front of me, his purple eyes scanning my face. “You look so much like your mother.”

I want to ask him questions about my mother, but I know now isn’t the time—not in front of all these people.

He continues speaking, “I am your grandfather, King Elwin Krishorn.”

I curtsy to show respect to him as my king. “It’s nice to officially meet you. I am Princess Wisteria Basilicus.”

A gasp echoes through the crowd. That is when my grandfather turns his attention to Stellan, who is standing beside me, still clasping my hand.

“Prince Basilicus.” Grandfather nods at Stellan. “Welcome to elven court. You should know that we don’t allow outsiders.” He turns to Venali. “But my heir doesn’t seem to care much for the rules.”

I turn to glare at Venali, my heart racing faster. “You said Grandfather gave his permission.” Is he going to make Stellan leave? He already knows I won’t stay without my husband.

Venali shrugs. “I may have twisted the truth a little. He gave me permission to use my own discretion while coming to get you. I knew you wouldn’t willingly come without your husband. I didn’t think Grandfather would like it if I kidnapped you and started a war with the dragons.”

Grandfather shakes his head at Venali and then looks at me. “Your cousin has always been stubborn, but I will not turn your husband away as long as he is respectful. This is my kingdom and we do things a little differently here than the dragons do.”

Stellan gives my grandfather a shallow bow. “I will follow any rules you set forward, as I am your guest.”

Grandfather’s eyes widen slightly, but he quickly masks his features.