My stomach is in knots as we get on the airplane that morning—a mix of nerves and excitement. The sun isn’t even up yet, and I’m excited about seeing the island from the sky when it’s dark. When my father and I flew here, it was always in the middle of the day and I’m curious what it will look like at night. But I’m so nervous about what is going to happen once we land.
“Are you nervous to fly?” Stellan cocks his head to the side as he studies me. An amused smirk plays on his lips.
I shake my head. “I’m not a nervous flyer. I just…” I wring my hands, searching for the right words. “Well, we’re going to see my mother’s side of the family. I never thought this day would come and I’m anxious. What if they hate me?”
Stellan grabs onto my hand to stop my fidgeting and he tugs me toward our seats. “That isn’t going to happen. You’re impossible to hate.”
Before I can say anything else, Venali walks down theaisle of the jet. He saunters over and takes a seat across from us. Even though it’s early morning, he looks completely put together. His hair is perfectly styled and he’s even wearing a suit. I look down at my own clothing, wondering if I’m dressed nicely enough. I’ve gotten used to how chill the dragons are about everything.
The pilot comes back to talk to Stellan about something, so I turn my attention to my bright eyed cousin and find him watching me.
“What?” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“Your eyes,” Venali says. “They’re purple.”
I nod. “Hence the name, Wisteria. My father told me that my mother named me. I assume it’s because of the color of my eyes.”
“They’re the same shade as our grandfather’s eyes.” He leans forward. “But I could’ve sworn they were blue yesterday, that’s what I’m surprised by.”
“Because I’m half fae,” I remind him. “Purple is my natural color, but they change depending on my mood.”
“Right. I forgot fae’s eyes did that.” He scrunches his nose. “That must be horrifying, for your emotions to always be showing like that. My court would eat me alive if my eyes changed colors depending on my mood. Knowing how cutthroat the fae are, I imagine it was significantly worse for you.”
“I can mask them,” I admit. “I used to always keep them masked, but I don’t have to with Stellan.”
He lets out a breath. “You should keep them masked when we’re at the palace. Seeing purple may make our grandfather softer toward you.”
Softer… I want to ask him if he thinks our grandfather will be hard toward me, but Stellan comes back before I can ask, sitting back down beside me. The three of us buckle up as the plane starts to move.
I clear my throat, looking at Venali. “Is there anything I need to know before I meet our grandfather?”
Venali leans forward. “Grandfather adores you, there is no question about that. I don’t think there has been a single day he hasn’t thought about you in the last twenty years. But he hates your father. It’s probably best if you don’t mention him.”
I nod. “It makes sense. My father did take me from him and all of my mom’s family.”
“He hates fae in general,” Venali admits, then glances at Stellan. “And he naturally thinks that any supernatural that isn’t an elf is below us.”
Stellan stiffens at Venali’s words.
I grab onto Stellan’s hand, lacing our fingers together to try and reassure him. “What about me? Will he hate me because I’m a hybrid?”
Venali shakes his head. “No. Our grandfather may have disapproved of your mother and father getting married, but you are his blood. That’s why I said having purple eyes will help. His heart will be softened toward you. You look so much like your mother, even the color of your hair is the same.”
My heart beats faster at his words. “I wish I knew what my mother looked like.”
“There are pictures in the castle, I will show you,” Venali offers. “But I do recommend that Stellan stay by your side the entire time. I can’t promise how he will be treated if he’s found without you.”
“So all elves hate other supernaturals?” I ask.
“No—that’s just Grandfather. He’s pretty old school, but even he will have to rethink his ways when he sees how strong you are. Mixing blood isn’t the abomination he thinks it is.” Venali sighs, shaking his head. “The elves are pretty torn in their beliefs. The older generation is veryagainst mixing blood, but my generation is tired of hiding. We want peace with other supernaturals. That’s why I pushed Grandfather to invite your husband to the castle. Forming an alliance with the dragons is a step in the right direction.”
But not everybody will be for it. It’s something to consider while I’m there. I’ll have to be vigilant, especially when it comes to Stellan and his safety.
It’s my job to take care of you, Stellan says, projecting his thoughts to me.
I glance at him.You promised to teach me how to block my thoughts from you.