If I can handle a room full of fae monarchs, I can certainly handle a few dragon shifter nobility. They may be strong and powerful, but they’ve got none of the cunning and cutthroat nature a fae has. I may be half elf, but I’m also half fae. I can be cunning when I need to be.
Warrick turns his head to look at me. He opens his mouth, like he wants to say something, and then closes it again. He studies me with furrowed brows and then nods. Whatever he was about to say is gone as he pushes open the doors and motions for me to walk in first. As soon as I step into the conference room, all conversations cease as every single member turns to look at me.
I spot Evander sitting in one of the chairs. His pace is pale and he looks like he’s going to puke. I don’t blame him. He hates politics, so this must be killing him. When he sees me, he jumps out of his chair and walks over to my side. I smile warmly at him, trying to help ease his nerves.
Isn’t Evander going through enough? Isn’t Warrick too? Why are they having a council meeting today of all days? Couldn’t they wait until Stellan wakes up?
Ifhe wakes up.
I push the thought away and square my shoulders, standing up straighter. It does little to help my height in a room full of shifters. I’ll always be short compared to them. I just hope our children get their height from Stellan.
“What isshedoing here?” An older council memberwrinkles his nose. “She has no say in what is taking place here.”
“She does have a say. Whether or not you believe it, she is one of us and she has been since the day she married my son,” Warrick says the words casually as he strolls over to the head of the table and takes a seat. He nods his head toward Evander and me. We stroll over and sit next to him, Evander taking his seat to the left and me the seat to the right.
“We need a contingency plan, whether you want to think about it or not,” one of the council members says, his voice sounding weary. “Stellan has no heirs. You know we’ve always wanted Evander trained as backup.”
Warrick holds up his hand to stop the man from speaking. “Evander has made his decision. He doesn’t want the throne, and I will not force him to take up the role.”
“I still don’t see why the girl needs to be here,” the older guy says again.
I clear my throat. “The girlhas a name. It’s Wisteria—PrincessWisteria to you. And Stellan does have an heir. Two of them, in fact, if what the doctor told me is to be believed. So this meeting is a complete waste of all of our time.”
The council falls quiet as they look at me. I’m not sure if they’re more shocked by my insubordination or my announcement that I’m pregnant.
“Twins?” A younger council member leans forward. “But the royal family has never had twins before. It’s… completely unheard of.”
Warrick grins, leaning forward. “Yes, it is true. My son and daughter-in-law are pregnant with twins.”
“Yes, but we don’t know if the twins are male. And if they are, will they be able to shift? Their children being hybrids brings a whole new aspect—”
I cut him off. “Stellan is alive. I don’t know why you’re talking like he’s not. If these children can’t shift, then we’ll have more.”
Nobody says anything to that. Maybe they don’t want to anger a pregnant woman. Or maybe Stellan was sincere when he said dragon shifters treat their women really well.
Warrick pulls something from his pocket—his phone, I realize, as he puts it up to his ear.
“Yes.” He pauses, his eyes going wide. He glances toward me. “Okay. We’ll be there soon.” He ends the call. “Stellan is awake.”
I jump from my chair.
I should be there, not at a stupid council meeting.
But before I follow Warrick and Evander from the room, I turn and look at the council one last time. They have no idea what they’re in for, but their entire world is about to change, starting with allowing females to have more of a say.
The drive back to the estate feels like it takes forever, even though I know from watching the clock that it’s less than five minutes. As soon as the car comes to a stop, I open my door and run inside. Evander runs at my side. He’s probably just as eager to see his big brother awake as I am.
When I come to the door, it’s open. Stellan’s entire family is inside, but I ignore them as I look at my husband.
Stellan is sitting up on the bed, pillows propped behind his back. His face is still pale, but he’s awake. His eyes are open and he turns to look at me as I enter the room. I don’t wait before I run to his side.
“Stellan,” my voice breaks as I begin to cry. I didn’t want to cry—he’s okay. I just can’t help it. I’m so relieved that he’s alive.
Stellan pulls me onto his lap and holds me against him.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” I protest.
“Wisteria, I’m fine. I’m not hurting.” He squeezes me tighter, not letting me move from his arms. Now that he’s holding me, I’m not sure I have the strength to move.