A duty that I am very glad fell on me.

Stellan smirks, hearing my thoughts.

So hot, he says in my thoughts.

“We must find a way to free Princess Wisteria from her marriage,” Lord Vulmer cries, standing from his chair abruptly. “This cannot be allowed. She isourprincess.”

Many of the elves nod their head in agreement. They lean close to whisper to one another, and I realize that I’m doomed. The majority agrees with Lord Vulmer, even if they’re not as vocal about their opinion.

“Quiet.” Grandfather stands from his chair, which makes everybody else quickly stand. Seeing Venali stand, I follow his example.

The room goes completely silent.

“Before a decision is made, I would like Talindra to read my granddaughter,” Grandfather says.

Talindra? Who is that? But everybody bows to grandfather, and they all voice their approval.

“King Elwin, I mean no disrespect, but I do not think it wise to wait for Talindra at a time like this,” Lord Vulmer says.

Grandfather only smiles in return, but I can see the ice in his eyes. “Good thing that she is already here. We won’t have to wait.”


This is all your fault


At Grandfather’s announcement, the door at the back of the room is thrown open and an older woman walks inside. I look at her, wonderingwhatshe is. She isn’t an elf, but she is a supernatural, though not a supernatural that I’ve ever come in contact with before. As she gets closer, I get a good look at her eyes. They’re a milky blue color.

Oh, wow.

Stellan isn’t blocking his thoughts, but he’s watching the older lady with a look of awe and fascination.

The woman walks right past every single elf in the audience, her gaze focused solely on my grandfather. She walks up to him, extending her hand. He takes her fingers in his and kisses them, bowing slightly.

“Talindra, it is an honor. Thank you for gracing us with your presence,” Grandfather says.

Gracing us with herpresence? Just who is this lady?

Her blue eyes go from Grandfather to me. She grins widely.

“I see that congratulations are in order,” Talindra says, then tilts her head to the side.

“Congratulations?” I ask.

She nods, looking at my stomach. “Your pregnancy.”

I suck in a sharp breath. “I’mnotpregnant.”

Do Ilookpregnant? I glance down at my stomach, but it doesn’t look any different than it always has. Maybe the big dragon shifter appetite is rubbing off on me.

I glance toward Stellan.Have I gained weight?

But Stellan completely ignores my question. Instead, he has this look of stunned happiness on his face, but his mind is completely blank. I don’t think he’s blocking me, he’s just… shocked, I think.

“She is pregnant?” Grandfather asks.

Talindra nods. “Yes. With twins—one boy and one girl.”