I look at Wisteria. She’s still asleep, her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her white blonde hair—a color I now know she got from her mother and grandmother. And those purple eyes… Wisteria may be beautiful like a fae, but most of her physical features come from the elf side of her family.
I wonder what our children will look like…
My phone vibrates again. I expect it to be another text from my dad, but instead it’s Natalia. She’s sent a picture of Jason, who got into a jar of peanut butter and smeared it all over himself. I chuckle, shaking my head. That kid has so much energy. Iknowfor a fact that my sister watches him like a hawk, but he is just so fast. He can cause chaos in asplit second. I respond to her first, then I go back to my dad’s text.
All is well. King Elwin is a nice guy. I’ll let you know when we’re coming back.
I send the text before I feel too guilty about hiding the truth from my father and put my phone back onto the nightstand. I go back to studying my wife’s features, wondering how I got so lucky to have her as my wife.
I push her hair out of her face, gently stroking my thumb across her cheek. She sighs and scoots even closer to me—she’s already half on top of me.
I can’t imagine a better feeling than this. I almost feel sorry for people with soulmates because they’re missing out. Ichoseto love Wisteria. And every day that we’re together, I fall more in love with her. She’s not the missing piece of my soul—she is the person who makes my soul happy. The smiles she gives me, the way her eyes change to light pink every time she looks at me, and the way she is always seeking my touch. She always wants to hold my hand. And even though she grew up in a cold and distant court where touching wasn’t something they did, she has adapted to dragon culture so quickly. I love that about her. I just… love her. Period.
When I look at her face again, I see purple eyes on me. She has a huge grin on her face and I watch as her eyes slowly change from purple to light pink.
“I love you, too,” she says.
I grin, realizing that I wasn’t blocking my thoughts.
“I wish youneverblocked your thoughts.” She leans over and kisses me on the lips.
“It’s a habit. I promise I don’t do it on purpose.Youaren’t the one I want to keep out of my head.” I trail my fingers along her cheek and tuck a strand of hair behindher ear. She leans into my touch, sighing. I can feel how content she is.
She pushes herself up on her elbow and looks at me, her light pink eyes studying my face. From her thoughts, I can tell she’s thinking how ‘adorable’ I am in the mornings.
I shake my head at her. “What did I say about calling me cute and adorable?”
Her grin widens. “It’smythoughts. I’m allowed to think whatever I want. And if you don’t want to be called adorable, stop being so adorable.”
But her smile slips and her eyes change from pink to gray. My heart squeezes and my dragon wants to come out—it wants to destroy whoever or whatever made her sad.
“What’s wrong?” I cup her face with my hands, looking deeply into her eyes.
Tears well up in her eyes. “You’re not safe here.”
That’swhat she’s worried about? “They’re not going to kill me. They know that doing so would start a war—a war thatnoneof us want, but especially not the elves.”
“What do you meanespeciallynot the elves?” She chews on her bottom lip as she looks at me. Her eyes are still gray, and it makes my chest ache.
“You’ve heard from them. They are lacking females. And since only females can give birth, no matter what the species…” I let my voice trail off.
Her eyes widen. “There aren’t many elves. That’s why they’ve stayed hidden. And the fact that there are so few females born only makes it harder on them.”
I nod. “They need an alliance with us as much as we need one with them.”
I can feel her relief through our bond as her shoulders sag forward. “You’re right. They’re not going to kill you. But that doesn’t mean they won’t try something else. Ifthey really do have such few females, and they seem to think you stole me, they might be desperate.”
I can’t help but grin and I run my fingers through the long strands of her hair. “They can’t help but want to claim you as theirs. I don’t blame them because I feel the exact same way.”
Her eyes change to hot pink as she looks at me. “The difference is, Iamyours. You’re allowed to claim me, just as I have claimed you. Besides, the elves only want me to be a baby maker for them.”
Do I point out that the point of our marriage alliance was about us having babies? We just happened to get lucky and fell in love with one another.
She grins, clearly reading my thoughts, then shoots me a mock glare. I can tell from the hot pink of her eyes that she’s not actually angry. “When were you going to tell me that birth control doesn’t work for dragon shifters?”
“After our third child,” I tease and kiss her jaw. I make my way toward her neck, she gasps, completely forgetting the question she asked me.
“Just how many children are you planning on us having?” Her question is breathy, but I know she’s curious. We never talked about these things before we got married—we didn’t have the chance. Before I married her, I would’ve said two children only. That was the amount required for the alliance. But now…