Venali cuts Stellan off. “It wasn’t a request. You may come if you wish, but your presence isn’t required. Wisteria’s presence is mandatory.”

Stellan growls, taking a step closer to my cousin.

I put a hand out, to stop him from attacking myelfcousin, who also happens to be a prince. The last thing we need is another looming war to deal with because Stellan lost his temper.

“Cousin, I think we can wait until my husband talks to his father and king about this. He has duties and we can’t just leave,” I say, trying to keep my voice calm. “However,if you would be patient, we could possibly leave tomorrow morning?” I look to Stellan for confirmation.

Stellan gives me one curt nod.

“Certainly our family can wait one more day.” I grin. “Besides, I’m certain King Basilicus would be honored to meet you. You can stay with us at the estate tonight.”

Venali nods once. “Fine. I suppose our trip can be delayed by one day.”

I can still feel Stellan’s anger—he doesn’t like feeling forced to do anything. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s a prince and is used to being in charge or if it’s because he’s a dragon shifter.

Stellan wraps his arms around me and pulls me against him. “You worried me. When I felt your fear, I came as quickly as I could. I nearly shifted inside the council meeting room.”

I lean into his embrace, resting my head against his chest. I sigh, feeling complete contentment at the feeling of being in my husband’s arms. I don’t speak until he pulls back to look at me.

“You should know, Venali saved us. I was holding up a shield, but I was afraid it was going to falter. When he showed up and we connected our magic, it gave me a boost of strength. It’s how we took down every single dragon shifter at once.” I glance at him, curious to see how he’s going to react.

“It’s because we’re family,” Venali says from behind me. “Elf families are stronger when they’re together.”

Stellan growls again.

I shoot a glare at my cousin. “We are very eager to learn more about my elf heritage, but maybe you shouldn’t word things in a way that makes my husband think you intend to kidnap me.”

Venali chuckles. “No, indeed. You are a very strong elf,Wisteria—one of the strongest I’ve ever met. I don’t imagine there is an elf alive today who could take you on and survive. Besides, family can’t use their magic against one another. It’s impossible.”

The sound of a throat clearing has us all turning. Evander stands there, his hands folded behind his back. “Mom wanted to make sure you’re okay. I assured her you are, but I don’t think the guards will be able to hold her back much longer.”

That’s when I notice the guards. They’re all watching Venali and our exchange, their weapons pointed toward my cousin.

Venali snorts. “Do they really thinkgunsare an effective weapon against an elf? Supernaturals really have forgotten how powerful we are.”

“This is Prince Venali, my cousin,” I announce to the guards, hoping to evade a diplomatic incident. “He will be coming home with us.”

Nobody says anything for a few awkward seconds. That is when I see King Basilicus push through the group of guards to the front of the crowd. “We will be happy to welcome Prince Venali into our home. Now, let’s get off the street and get these guys detained.”

A few hours later,after taking the quickest shower of my life, Stellan and I walk hand in hand toward King Basilicus’s office. Venali should be waiting for us there, along with Stellan’s father.

I’m not sure who makes me more nervous—my cousin or my husband’s father. They’re both intimidatingly powerful.Though, if what Venali says is true, I am more powerful than both of them.

Stellan pauses at the door and actually knocks, something I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him do before.

“Come in,” Warrick calls a moment later.

Stellan opens the door. Usually, he would have me walk inside first. Instead, he walks in first, carefully shielding my body with his. He’s trying to protect me from my cousin. The move is sweet, even if a little funny.

I can’t explain it, but I trust Venali. I knew from the moment our magic connected that he doesn’t mean me any harm. If only Stellan could get the same memo. Thankfully, Venali doesn’t seem put off by Stellan’s attitude. If anything, he looks amused.

“I heard that dragons are fiercely protective of their mates. It does my heart good to know that my cousin has you protecting her,” Venali says to Stellan.

Stellan’s shoulders relax at his words and I can feel the tension ease out of him. Somehow, Venali knew just what to say to my husband.

Warrick’s chair squeaks as he moves. “Prince Venali was just informing me that you two agreed to visit the royal elven family.”