My breath gets caught in my throat. “That’s why our magic connected like that?”

He nods.

I don’t wait for him to say anything else. I tip myself forward and hug him—mycousin. That’s why I felt something so familiar about him. It takes him a few seconds for him to hug me back, but he pulls away after a quick pat on my back.

“Sorry. The dragons like touching…” I say, letting my voice trail off. I didn’t realize that they were rubbing off on me.

Stellan rests his hand on my lower back. He’s seemed to calm down at the announcement that we’re related, but he still isn’t sure about the guy. “You’re an elf.”


“And Wisteria’s cousin?”

He nods once but keeps his focus solely on me. “Our grandfather is eager to see you again. After your momdied, your father disappeared with you in the middle of the night. We never knew the truth of his origins. Had we known, we would’ve come for you. But elves stick to themselves—we know nothing of the supernatural world outside of us. At least, until recently.”

Stellan steps closer to me, like he wants to shield me from my cousin.

He waves a hand. “Rest easy, Prince Stellan, I am not here to steal your wife from you.”

Stellan does relax at his words, but he doesn’t move back from me.

The elf focuses on me. “But I would like to invite you and your dragon prince to the elven palace. We’ve never invited an outsider before, but we’ll make an exception for your husband. Even your father wasn’t allowed.” He pauses, then adds, “Probably because Grandfather hates him.”

“Wait, the elvenpalace?” I ask.

His grin grows. “Didn’t you know, cousin? Our grandfather is the king of the elves. And since my father and your mother are dead, that makes you second in line for the throne.” He winks. “You’re after me, of course. And I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. Though, knowing Grandfather, he’ll outlive us both.”

I put a hand to the base of my throat as I process his words.

I have grandparents—at least a grandfather. I knew my father said they would want to meet me. But I have an entire family I know nothing about. Well, except now I know they’re apparently royal.

“Is she okay?” my elfcousin asks my husband.

Stellan looks at me with concern in his eyes, then turns to him. “I think she’s trying to process the fact that aprincess of the fae and a princess of the elves somehow also became a princess of the dragons.”

I nod. “What he said.”

My brain hurts just thinking about it.

“What is your name, by the way?” I ask, realizing we haven’t made introductions yet.

He bows slightly at the waist. “I am Prince Venali Krishorn, though you may call me Venali.”

“I am Wisteria. It’s nice to meet you, Venali.”

“PrincessWisteria Basilicus,” Stellan corrects.

I wave a hand. “We have no need for formalities among family.”

“Indeed,” Venali agrees, then looks at my husband. “You have no need of introductions, Prince Stellan. When I found out my cousin was here, I did my research.”

“Just Stellan,” I say, giving my husband the side eye. “Right?”

Stellan huffs, then nods. “Correct.”

“Excellent.” Venali looks around. “So, should we leave now?”

“No. I must deal with the mess that was made here and talk to—”