Okay, maybe not considering how cuddly he’s been. For goodness sake, he’s holding my hand right now.

And laughing.

I look up at him. “Why are you laughing?”

“I’m just laughing because you’re clearly panicking,” he teases, shaking his head again. He pulls me to a stop in the middle of the massive room and puts his hands on my shoulders. “You’re my wife. We’remarried. You have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.”

Heat floods my cheeks. “Does that mean my eyes have been light pink and you’re just not telling me to spare me from horrible embarrassment?”

Stellan grabs my hand and tugs me toward a bookshelf. “I think the books on elves are over here.”

“Stellan!” I squeak.

He grabs a book off the shelf, scanning the cover before passing it to me. “This book was translated recently. The old elf language is dead and extremely difficult to understand, so everything might not be one hundred percent accurate, but it should help.”

I take the book from him, wanting something to dowith my hands. I keep my eyes down, not wanting to look my husband in the eye. “Thanks.”

Stellan pulls his phone from his pocket, sighing. “My brother wants to see you. He hasn’t seen you since the accident yesterday, so he’s worried.”

That has me looking up. “Evander is sweet.”

Stellan nods, typing something on his phone. “Do you want to have dinner with the family tonight?”

“Will King Basilicus be there?” I chew on my bottom lip while I wait for his response.

“You don’t have to call my dad by his title—Warrick is fine, trust me. And I’m not sure if he will be there. The council meetings can last forever, but it depends on how persnickety they’re feeling.” A smile plays on his lips while he watches me. “Do you not like my dad?”

“He’s very…” I pause searching for the right word and eventually decide on, “intimidating. And I don’t think he cares for me very much.”

The smile slips from his lips. “My dad is just upset about the whole soulmate thing.” He waves a hand like it’s not a big deal.

The ‘soulmate’ thing?

Stellan grabs my hand. “Come on. Let’s head back to our rooms. You have a couple of hours to look over the book before dinner if you’d like.”

I nod, allowing him to pull me after him. And I am left feeling more confused than ever.


I watch Evander shove Wisteria into the pool and let out an exasperated sigh.

My teenage brother issmittenwith my wife. It’s hard to believe he’s the same brother who is so shy he won’t talk toany female outside of our family. And yet, he’s comfortable with Wisteria. Though, maybe he considers her family. I hope that’s what it is.

We were going to head back to our room for Wisteria to read the book on elves that I picked out for her, but we got stopped by my brother along the way who begged us to come hang out with him. And, of course, Wisteria said yes before I could deny the request.

She likes my family. I didn’t expect her to integrate with us so seamlessly, but it’s like she’s always been part of our family. Even Andrew, Natalia’s mate, didn’t fit in with the rest of us for a long time. It wasn’t until after my nephew was born that I started to like him.

My mind goes back to the meeting we had earlier with Wisteria’s father, the news rushing back to me.

It makes so much sense, now that I know. From the way she carries herself, the way she behaves, and even the way she smells. She might be fae, but she’s not like any other fae I’ve ever met. And, now that I know more about the fae, I realize my wife isn’t nearly as cunning as the rest of them. Even her father is a master wordsmith, never lying, but also never really telling the truth. But Wisteria is too kind and way too sweet for the scheming race. If she had become empress, they would’ve eaten her alive.

Wisteria swims over to me, putting her wet hands on my calves. “Are you coming in?”

“Are you going to pull me in?” I raise an eyebrow, daring her to try. “We both know you’re not stronger than me.”

Her grin widens and she backs up. I wonder what she’s doing when I feel something shove me from behind and I go in the pool. When I come up from underneath the water, I hear Wisteria and Evander laughing.

“What was that?” I ask.