Jordan couldn’t control the bemused look blanketing his face. Watching her prance away, he said, “Yes, of course, you, too.”

“Yeah, it was great to see you,” Dwayne yelled to her back, countering Jake’s words.

Jake whipped his head around, watching her walk away. Then looking at Dwayne and Jordan, he erupted, “What the fuck? She’s not gettingEND?”

Raising his eyebrows, Jordan piped in. “Oh no, brother, she gets it. She’s just not going to accept it. This might be a first…”

“Agreed,” Dwayne added.

“Not going down that road anymore. I’ve been chasing her for over a fucking year. I’m done.” Even as the words came out of his mouth, he knew ignoring her would be tough.God, I need to switch gyms.

“Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself…now let’s get this workout done,” Jordan said.

After his workout, Jake made a beeline for the stairs, coaching himself not scan the room. It didn’t matter if she was still there. He didn’t want or need to know what she was doing, and he definitely didn’t need to get another look at her in that low sports bra and those thin leggings. When he got to his truck, he saw a single red rose on the windshield. He smiled before he caught himself, growling. “What the hell, did she finally read a romance novel?” he said to no one as he picked up the rose, unlocking the door.

After giving Jonathon an update on her mission, he'd counseled her to up the pressure with more cheery flirting and sexy workout outfits. She entered the gym, wearing a black low-cut sports bra and black boy-shorts, hair in a high ponytail with a tad more makeup than yesterday. Rakell gave herself a pep talk as she climbed the stairs. She was going to approach him with more intensity. Scanning the gym, she noticed the three of them in the leg area, gathered around the cage where they were doing leg squats. She purposefully walked slowly behind him, so hehad to notice her in the mirror. Then she waved at Jordan and Dwayne, saying hi as she continued on to the free weights. She wanted to buy some time before directly approaching Jake.

Jake caught a glimpse of her behind him. He could’ve sworn she was rocking her hips as she sashayed by in a pair of short black boy-shorts and a matching low-cut sports bra. He’d never seen her dress so provocatively at the gym. He knew exactly what she was doing, and he told himself he was immune to it, reminding himself how maddening she was and that he needed to stay committed to ending it.

While she completed her bicep curls, her eyes followed them to the deadlift area. Waiting until Jake was on his last set, she approached him.

Jake didn’t see her move in behind him, but Dwayne and Jordan did, looking at each other. She thought they looked entertained. Jake slammed down the bar and stood, almost running into Rakell.

She flashed her toothy grin. “Hi, mate.” Legs spread in a bold, haughty stance, challenging him.

“You again?” he said as he tossed her a perturbed look, just short of rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, you, me again,” she said, smirking.

He stepped forward, now only a foot away, glowering at her. “Can I help you, Sweetheart?”

“Yes you can. You can open up your calendar and find some room in your schedule to talk to me,” she purred, slightly arching her back, her chest rising.

He willed his eyes not to drop to that damn low-cut sports bra, not allowing himself to be snagged by the cleavage she was using unabashedly to ensnare him. She knew his weaknesses.Damn her. He shot her an incredulous look. “You don’t seem to get the concept ofEND, as in done…finale.”

Stepping forward with her index finger extended, she poked it into his hard chest. “That’s where you’re wrong…” Behind her, she heard Dwayne and Jordan’s hushed, animated whispers before they announced they were going to refill their water bottles.

Jake tilted his head, acknowledging them, then shifted his eyes back to her, his brow creasing. “Wrong? Excuse me?”

She twisted her finger deeper into his pec muscle. “You, Jake Skyler, don’tE-N-Dme, Rakell McCarthy.” Her tone emitted a playful sharpness. Noticing she’d taken him off guard gave her the resolve to push forward.

With one sudden forceful move, his fingers gripped her wrist, jerking it down, relishing in her stunned open mouth. “For the record, Sweetheart,you‘quit’ us—again. We were both tugging on either side of the rope, trying to make this work. Then you just let go, letting me fall on my ass once again…I finally drudged up some common sense and let go of my side. I’ve walked away, as inEND, darlin’. I’m tired of chasing you and falling on my ass.”

She let out a huff, pretending to be irritated, loving the energy transferring between them as his hand held her wrist tightly. At least they were touching, and he was finally responding.

Mirth informed her tone. “I have half a mind to use that rope to tie you up and make you listen to me.”

Jake huffed.The balls on this girl. “Darlin’ in my world, I’m the one doing the tying up…”

She rolled her eyes, formulating a retort…but before she could get the words out…

He captured her other wrist with the same hand, clasping both together. Her breath caught in her throat as he leaned in, his mouth a whisper from hers. His eyes were hooded. “Better yet, I’ll use it to bind your hands, then bend you over my knee,pull these little bitty shorts down…” His other hand was at her waistband, his fingers inching just inside the elastic before he pulled it out away from her skin, locking his eyes on her before abruptly letting the material pop on her hip. She flinched, breathing in quickly as he continued, “…and spank your bare bottom 'til it’s so red you can’t sit down,” he murmured forcefully, a trace of amusement escaping between breaths.

“I, I—” Her words caught up in a gasp.

“Yes, you loved it…remember, I know how to judge if a woman’s having fun, and you, Sweetheart, had fun that night.” He smirked, watching her eyes narrow on him. “I won’t forget the screams or your reflection when your body begged for more, and I reckon you won’t either.”

He saw Jordan and Dwayne approaching, so he freed Rakell’s wrist, taking pleasure in her flushed face.