Jake:You’re gone for over a week…Send

Rakell:Perhaps you can figure out if I’m good enough for you by then…delete

Fuck that, Jake thought, reading her text. He didn’t want her getting on that plane without them discussing this.

Jake:This can’t wait…Send

Rakell:Done talking…Send

Jake:What the hell?…Send

Rakell:That’s ALL we do…Send


Rakell:Talking doesn’t seem to get us anywhere.Paris will give us both space…Send

He grabbed a glass, dropped in a handful of ice, and filled it with bourbon.Damn her.Here we go again with the goddamn space shit, he thought, taking a swig.

Jake:Get on the plane w/o talking, you’ll get nothing but space…Send

Rakell:Is that a threat?...Send

Her heart was beating against her ribs.What the hell were they doing?


He took a long gulp of his bourbon.

Rakell:Don’t have time to TALK…Send

She looked at her phone, checking the weather, deciding what clothes and shoes to pack for Paris.

Jake:Really? High school is over, sweetheart…Send

Rakell:Trying to get ready for Paris. Don’t have time…Send


“Fuck!” he roared, throwing the phone on the couch. Then he filled his glass again before he stormed outside.Finished.He had to be done. She had wracked his brain and heart for an entire year and here they were on repeat. He couldn’t help but think this ‘caring shit’ was not for him. He had to move on; he couldn’t keep coming back to this. “Want space? You just got your fucking space, Sweetheart,” he yelled into the dusk.


Rakell didn’t know what he meant byEND, but looking at the word, all caps, she squirmed internally, angst lodging in her psyche, her shoulders tightening.

Rakell:What is END…Send


Rakell brushed the feeling aside, knowing she had to lean into this shoot in Paris...that sense that every opportunity mattered right now made her push aside the anxiety. She’d deal with whateverENDmeant when she got back.

Jake located Dwayne, then Jordan on the bench press. Hopping on himself, he pushed his weight limit, still jacked from his exchange with Rakell a couple of nights ago.

He heard his phone buzz again as he got off the bench.

Rakell:Jake, it’s late here, but I was hoping you could call…Send

Jake:Are you fucking kidding me?...delete