His gut twisted listening to her as he realized he was right when he’d said he didn’t know her—he had no idea what her goals were. His mom knew, which seemed so wrong to him. He sucked in a long sip through the straw, then asked, “So what are your goals?” purposefully maintaining a neutral tone. “I mean, do you still work as a consultant? I know it’s Matt’s company, so did you really work for him or was that just…” Tension crept into his voice.

Her mouth went straight. “So we’re not done with the interrogation? That’s three questions, and actually, one of them is sort of an accusation, Jake.”

Quickly, he shut his eyes. “You’re right, sorry. Honestly, I don’t really know when to stop when it comes to questions. You can ask my mom about that,” he said, trying to sound light.

Her mouth turned up. “I know, she’s already told me.”

“Great, she did?” he said on a groan.

Rakell nodded, and Jake shook his head. “Seriously, I don’t stand a chance with my family in my corner.” He let out a small laugh.

“Actually, they’re your best chance,” she said, deciding to answer him fully. “But to answer your questions…”

“Hey, no, you don’t have to…how about just thegoalquestion?”

“No, all of them. You just might have to get me another drink before I finish.”


“Yes, I still work as a business consultant at Matt’s company, part-time, mostly on out-of-country business deals. I speak Spanish, French, and Russian, also I’ve been taking classes at UT in Italian…”

“Wow, Jeez…” she heard him say almost under his breath.

“So it’s intermittent, but it helps pay the bills in between modeling. Plus, who knows, I may do that full-time someday if I can’t break into the acting world enough to make a solid living.”

“You will,” he interjected.

“And to the other question, yes, I have always been a consultant even when I was working and flying back to Europe consistently. It was actually Matt’s dad that suggested I go to work for Matt’s company, which gave me a legitimate reason to move to Austin,” she said flatly, as if she was explaining a deal to a business associate.

He didn’t know how to respond; for one of the first times in his life, he was stuck for something to say. “You speak four languages and are working on a fifth?”

“Yes, I mean, I get rusty and have to review a little when I’m working on deals, but I’m fluent in four languages. I’m best in Spanish and French, besides English, obviously,” she said.

“Impressive, plus you sing, plus, plus, plus…I guess I could go on, but I’d probably make you blush,” he joked, regaining his footing.

“Flattery, I love it.”

“So goals?”

“Well, I’ll continue to take modeling jobs with the idea of leveraging that into acting. The singing is actually a way to open up more possible acting jobs. I’ll be auditioning for a movie in a month or so. I mean, it’s a silly typecast role, but my agent says there will be some well-known names in it, so it could be good exposure.” She reached for another chip, scooping up queso with spicy taco meat and guacamole.

Chewing, he asked, “What do you mean typecasting?”

“Um, well, they are looking for a ditzy blonde with big boobs.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Well, you’ve got the boob part, and you’re sort of blond, but you hardly fit the role.”

“It’s a romantic comedy, so I’d basically play some hot waitress who’s after the main character, but the guy falls for the smart brunette with a heart, not the big-boobed blonde who only cares about his money.”

“Think I’d be going for the big-boobed blonde,” he laughed, lifting his glass.

“That makes you shallow,” she said, raising her eyebrows.

“As a puddle.” A mischievous grin emerged. “I’ll take the title if it means I get the big-boobed blonde.” He nodded before taking another drink.

“You’re impossible, Jake, you know that?”

They finished eating and then drove back to Rakell’s apartment. Jake took the elevator up, following her to the door.